Search results for fluid inclusions

Social Sciences Apr 4, 2023

The past and future of gender research in marketing, and its relevance to contemporary societies

Researchers from Kedge Business School, University College Dublin, University of Bath, and University of Texas at Austin published a new Journal of Marketing article that examines how the socialization of researchers—especially ...

Social Sciences Mar 16, 2023

Study highlights challenges facing transgender and non-binary workers

New research led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) highlights some of the challenges that transgender and non-binary staff can face at work.

Earth Sciences Feb 8, 2023

New method helps scientists better predict when volcanos will erupt

Cornell researchers have unearthed precise, microscopic clues to where magma is stored, offering scientists—and government officials in populated areas—a way to better assess the risk of volcanic eruptions.

Earth Sciences Nov 28, 2022

What may be the largest source of abiotic methane gas on Earth

Methane (CH4), the chief constituent of natural gas, is one of the most widely used "clean" fuels. Although methane is usually considered to originate from organic matter, recently, more and more evidence shows that methane ...

Earth Sciences Nov 17, 2022

Tiniest ever ancient seawater pockets revealed

Trapped for millennia, the tiniest liquid remnants of an ancient inland sea have now been revealed. The surprising discovery of seawater sealed in what is now North America for 390 million years opens up a new avenue for ...

Other Oct 10, 2022

New 'ethics guidance' for top science journals aims to root out harmful research, but can it succeed?

The British journal Nature was founded in 1869 and is one of the world's most influential and prestigious outlets for scientific research. Its publisher, Nature Portfolio (a subsidiary of the academic publishing giant Springer ...

Social Sciences Oct 3, 2022

Using real world experiments to study mechanisms of inequality in the US and Latin America

Felipe Dias grew up in a working-class neighborhood in São Paulo, Brazil's largest city, and his parents worked multiple jobs to send him to a private school. He couldn't help but notice the contrast in social status between ...

Soft Matter Jun 24, 2022

Making the invisible visible: The remarkable journey of a powerhouse space microscope

Colloids are mixtures of microscopic particles suspended in fluids—substances that are part solid, part liquid. Colloids are found in products including toothpaste, ketchup, paint and liquid hand soap, and are part of a ...

Earth Sciences May 11, 2022

Ancient microorganisms found in halite may have implications for search for life

Primary fluid inclusions in bedded halite from the 830-million-year-old Browne Formation of central Australia contain organic solids and liquids, as documented with transmitted light and UV-vis petrography. These objects ...

Environment Apr 6, 2022

Wastewater provides a planet-wide laboratory for the study of human health

Of the many contemporary conveniences often taken for granted in developed countries, modern sanitation may be among the most important. A new study suggests that wastewater infrastructure may provide societal benefits far ...

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