Search results for filamentous viruses

Materials Science Feb 19, 2021

In step toward autonomous materials, researchers design patterns in self-propelling liquid crystals

aterials capable of performing complex functions in response to changes in the environment could form the basis for exciting new technologies. Think of a capsule implanted in your body that automatically releases antibodies ...

Materials Science Sep 17, 2020

Copper coating on 3-D-printed plastic filters proposed as a pandemic fighter

In the ongoing fight against COVID-19, experts on microbiology and copper are recommending an expanded use of the metal to reduce the virus's spread. So might copper be incorporated into the construction of masks, the universally ...

Bio & Medicine Sep 11, 2020

Novel virus-based colorimetric sensor can show true colors of airborne threats

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the world needs technology that can quickly and accurately identify invisible dangers, including harmful substances or airborne environmental pollutants. Colorimetric sensors—devices ...

Cell & Microbiology Sep 10, 2020

Novel AI technique identifies viral control of intracellular changes

Using an artificial intelligence (AI) cell classification technique, Northwestern Medicine investigators found that viruses can control structural and genetic polarity inside the cell nucleus. The findings, published in Nature, ...

Molecular & Computational biology Sep 10, 2020

Structural clues for influenza virus assembly and disassembly

The influenza A virus is surrounded by a lipid bilayer that forms the outermost layer much like the plasma membranes on our own cells. Immediately under this lipid bilayer is a dense protein layer formed from M1 matrix protein. ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 18, 2020

Supercomputers unlock reproductive mysteries of viruses and life

Fundamental research supported by supercomputers could help lead to new strategies and better technology that combats infectious and genetic diseases.

Cell & Microbiology Nov 26, 2019

Once hidden cellular structures emerge in fight against viruses

New University of Arizona-led research has revealed the structure and function of one of bacteria's latest strategies in the fight against viruses: a fleet of highly organized enzymes that provide a rapid immune response ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 23, 2019

Growth Arrest Specific 7 protein allows cells to eat

Without hands or feet, a single human cell has little to protect itself from surrounding threats like bacteria or viruses. In this way, the cell membrane has evolved to be much more than a wall that keeps cell content inside ...

Cell & Microbiology Sep 30, 2019

The flagellar hook: Making sense of bacterial motility

The flagellum is often cited as an example of natural design ingenuity—it is a powerful nanomachine that allows bacteria to swim effortlessly in search of food. Yet despite being a popular object of study over the last ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 22, 2019

Machine learning approach significantly expands inovirus diversity

To answer the question, "Where's Waldo?" readers need to look for a number of distinguishing features. Several characters may be spotted with a striped scarf, striped hat, round-rimmed glasses, or a cane, but only Waldo will ...

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