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Other Dec 20, 2021

The magnificent history of the maligned and misunderstood fruitcake

Nothing says Christmas quite like a fruitcake—or, at the very least, a fruitcake joke.

Agriculture Oct 27, 2021

New sorghum variety offers superior popping quality and a new type of popped snack

Popcorn is one of America's favorite snacks. But did you know that a grain called sorghum can also be popped?

Space Exploration Oct 13, 2021

William Shatner, TV's Capt. Kirk, blasts into space

Hollywood's Captain Kirk, 90-year-old William Shatner, blasted into space Wednesday in a convergence of science fiction and science reality, reaching the final frontier aboard a ship built by Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin company.

Space Exploration Oct 7, 2021

NASA's Lucy mission: A journey to the young solar system

NASA's Lucy spacecraft will launch in October 2021 on a 12-year journey to Jupiter's Trojan asteroids. The Lucy mission will include three Earth gravity assists and visits to eight asteroids.

Plants & Animals Oct 1, 2021

On birds—feathered messengers from deep time

When I experienced a great loss in in my early forties—almost a year to the day after another—I went to see my mother in the family home. She wasn't a hugger or giver of advice, so instead we fed the birds. As she had ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 2, 2021

Scientist identifies signaling underlying organ and limb regeneration

Many salamanders can readily regenerate a lost limb, but adult mammals, including humans, cannot. Why this is the case is a scientific mystery that has fascinated observers of the natural world for thousands of years.

Cell & Microbiology Apr 1, 2021

Chocolate's secret ingredient is the fermenting microbes that make it taste so good

Whether baked as chips into a cookie, melted into a sweet warm drink or molded into the shape of a smiling bunny, chocolate is one of the world's most universally consumed foods.

Biotechnology Mar 30, 2021

Prime editing enables precise gene editing without collateral damage

The latest gene editing technology, prime editing, expands the 'genetic toolbox' for more precisely creating disease models and correcting genetic problems, scientists say.

Plants & Animals Oct 5, 2020

Tracking sea turtle egg traffickers with GPS-enabled decoy eggs

By placing 3-D-printed and GPS-enabled decoy sea turtle eggs into nests on the beach, it's possible to gather key evidence needed to expose rampant illegal trade of the eggs, suggests a study publishing in the journal Current ...

Economics & Business Jul 20, 2020

Sociology professor examines pandemic effect on restaurants

As the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown continues, restaurants everywhere are feeling the impact. Many closed or switched to curbside and takeout options. But others have been on a months-long roller coaster—opening as virus ...

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