Search results for Crow bird

Plants & Animals Oct 7, 2023

Female animals teach each other to choose unusual males—new research

My friend recently changed their favorite celebrity crush from Anna Kendrick to Lily James. While some people could see the attraction, others might not. So what is it that attracts us to potential mates? A new study suggests ...

Plants & Animals Sep 14, 2023

Clever lapwings use cover to hide in plain sight

Ground-nesting birds called lapwings use the shape of their nests and surroundings to hide from predators, new research shows.

Plants & Animals Sep 14, 2023

Are crows really that clever?

It's no secret corvids are endowed with remarkable cognitive abilities.

Plants & Animals Sep 7, 2023

Who's that singing? As fall migration arrives, apps that ID birds by sound have taken off

I was sitting in solitude earlier this summer in an Adirondack chair in my backyard, when I realized I wasn't as alone as I'd thought.

Other Sep 2, 2023

Saturday Citations: Ancient corvids, tetraquarks, and researchers who aren't bored hearing about your dreams

This week, researchers reported on two-dimensional gold sheets, a tidy little meson made of four quarks (and its buddy!) and a big and almost unimaginably dense exoplanet with an exciting backstory.

Plants & Animals Sep 1, 2023

Fossils show ravens lived alongside early humans in Beijing

While ravens do not occur in China's capital Beijing today, a new study analyzing fossil bird bones from the UNESCO World Heritage Zhoukoudian "Peking Man" site demonstrates that ravens lived in western Beijing at the same ...

Ecology Jul 20, 2023

Surveying public tolerance of lethal wildlife management in Japan

Increasing human-wildlife conflict is a cause of significant concern, especially in the context of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Despite being controversial, lethal management of invasive wildlife ...

Plants & Animals Jul 13, 2023

Rebellious birds make nests out of anti-bird pins

Biologists present the latest innovation in nest building: bird nests made from anti-nesting spikes. Researchers from Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the Natural History Museum Rotterdam collected these special nests for ...

Plants & Animals Jul 13, 2023

The code breakers: Harnessing the power of AI to understand what animals say

An international group of experts argue that tackling the long-standing challenge of decoding the communication systems of whales, crows, bats, and other animals is coming within reach, following breath-taking advances in ...

Ecology Jun 15, 2023

Airport threatens Albania's fragile wild paradise

Flamingos and Dalmatian pelicans laze in the azure waters of a shallow lagoon near Albania's Adriatic coast.

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