Search results for soft robotics

Materials Science Nov 20, 2018

Combining pneumatics with a hydrogel to create a baromorph—for soft robotics

A small team of researchers at ESPCI Paris has come up with a way to combine pneumatics with a hydrogel to create a baromorph for soft robotics applications—a baromorph is a soft material that self-configures when inflated. ...

Robotics Oct 3, 2018

No more Iron Man—submarines now have soft, robotic arms

The human arm can perform a wide range of extremely delicate and coordinated movements, from turning a key in a lock to gently stroking a puppy's fur. The robotic "arms" on underwater research submarines, however, are hard, ...

Robotics Aug 8, 2018

Army's new 3-D printed shape-shifting soft robots crawl, jump, grab

New 3-D printed robotic structures can squeeze in tight spaces like a crack in the wall of a cave, jump over trip wire or crawl under a vehicle—all complex Army-relevant functions impossible for humans to perform safely.

Robotics Jan 9, 2018

New technique eases production, customization of soft robotics

By helping rubber and plastic stick together under pressure, University of Nebraska-Lincoln chemists have simplified the production of small fluid-carrying channels that can drive movement in soft robotics and enable chemical ...

Robotics Nov 22, 2017

A 'half-hearted' solution to one-sided heart failure—Soft robotic system provides support

Soft robotic actuators, which are pneumatic artificial muscles designed and programmed to perform lifelike motions, have recently emerged as an attractive alternative to more rigid components that have conventionally been ...

Condensed Matter Oct 16, 2017

Liquid metal brings soft robotics a step closer

Scientists have invented a way to morph liquid metal into physical shapes.

Robotics Oct 10, 2017

This soft robotic gripper can screw in your light bulbs for you

How many robots does it take to screw in a light bulb? The answer: just one, assuming you're talking about a new robotic gripper developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego.

Materials Science Sep 18, 2017

A new way to create 'soft robots'—DNA triggers that cause hydrogels to change shape

Biochemical engineers at Johns Hopkins University used sequences of DNA molecules to cause water-based gels to change shape, demonstrating a new tactic to produce soft robots and "smart" medical devices that don't rely on ...

Materials Science Jun 19, 2017

Researchers build first deployable, walking, soft robot

(—Researchers have built the first robot made of soft, deployable materials that is capable of moving itself without the use of motors or any additional mechanical components. The robot "walks" when an electric ...

Robotics Jan 17, 2017

Lessons learned when commercialization of a new soft robot fails

Commercializing a new, innovative product is often the greatest challenge across the research and development landscape, as is evident in the failed attempt to bring jamming-based robotic gripper technology to market. The ...

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