Search results for time reversal symmetry

Superconductivity Aug 23, 2023

The superconducting diode effect in a device based on coupled Josephson junctions

The so-called superconducting (SC) diode effect is an interesting nonreciprocal phenomenon, occurring when a material is SC in one direction and resistive in the other. This effect has been the focus of numerous physics studies, ...

Condensed Matter Jul 28, 2023

Team creates simple superconducting device that could dramatically cut energy use in computing

MIT scientists and colleagues have created a simple superconducting device that could transfer current through electronic devices much more efficiently than is possible today. As a result, the new diode, a kind of switch, ...

Quantum Physics Jul 13, 2023

Engineering dual carriageways for signals: Research expands possibilities for more flexible signaling devices

Routing signals and isolating them against noise and back-reflections are essential in many practical situations in classical communication as well as in quantum processing. In a theory-experimental collaboration, a team ...

Superconductivity Jun 28, 2023

Discovery of pair density wave state in a two-dimensional high-Tc iron-based superconductor

As a macroscopic quantum state of matter, superconductivity has attracted tremendous attention in the field of scientific research and industry over the past century. According to the BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) microscopic ...

Astrobiology Jun 15, 2023

Right-handed building blocks of life might have had a rocky start

Harvard University led research may have solved the puzzle of how life became molecularly right-handed. In the paper, "Origin of biological homochirality by crystallization of an RNA precursor on a magnetic surface," published ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 1, 2023

Ultrafast terahertz emission from emerging symmetry-broken materials

Terahertz (THz) emission spectroscopy has emerged as a valuable technique for investigating static physical properties as well as ultrafast dynamics occurring in novel material systems that may remain hidden to other probes.

General Physics Apr 21, 2023

Probing fundamental symmetries of nature with the Higgs boson

Where did all the antimatter go? After the Big Bang, matter and antimatter should have been created in equal amounts. Why we live in a universe of matter, with very little antimatter, remains a mystery. The excess of matter ...

Optics & Photonics Apr 12, 2023

Backscattering protection in integrated photonics is impossible with existing technologies, says study

The field of integrated photonics has taken off in recent years. These microchips utilize light particles (photons) in their circuitry as opposed to the electronic circuits that, in many ways, form the backbone of our modern ...

Nanophysics Apr 6, 2023

Discovery of ferroelectricity in an elementary substance

National University of Singapore (NUS) physicists have discovered a novel form of ferroelectricity in a single-element bismuth monolayer that can produce regular and reversible dipole moments for future applications of non-volatile ...

Analytical Chemistry Mar 21, 2023

Semiconductor crystals: Molecular teamwork makes the organic dream work

The virus responsible for E. coli infection has a secret weapon: teamwork.

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