Search results for motorized knee

Space Exploration Nov 30, 2016

Image: The Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System for astronauts

The Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System, or MARES for short, is a three-in-one muscle-measurement machine on the International Space Station to monitor astronauts' muscles as they work out.

Engineering Oct 6, 2016

Exoskeleton gets disabled people back on their feet

Thanks to an exoskeleton developed at EPFL, people with paraplegia can stand up, walk and even climb steps. The prototype will be put to use this coming Saturday at the 2016 Cybathlon, the sports competition for disabled ...

Robotics Sep 21, 2016

Brain to robot: "move, please"

Using the power of thought to control a robot that helps to move a paralysed hand: a project from the ETH Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory could fundamentally change the therapy and daily lives of stroke patients.

Engineering Sep 1, 2016

A bionics competition for people with disabilities

Millions of people worldwide rely on orthotics, prosthetics, wheelchairs and other assistive devices to improve their quality of life. In the United States alone, there are more than 1.6 million people with limb amputations. ...

Archaeology Aug 16, 2016

Researchers use IT to unlock the mysteries of human evolution

If you've ever seen a delivery truck driving around on campus, there's a small chance there could have been human bones nestled among its cargo. Their destination? Penn State's Center for Quantitative Imaging, where a group ...

Consumer & Gadgets Jun 22, 2016

Riding Segway's hoverboard is like skiing on LA's streets

A new self-balancing electric scooter from Segway grows on you. Like a comfortable pair of shoes, it takes you places, but on wheels.

Archaeology May 24, 2016

Early armored dino from Texas lacked cousin's club-tail weapon, but had a nose for danger

Pawpawsaurus's hearing wasn't keen, and it lacked the infamous tail club of Ankylosaurus. But first-ever CT scans of Pawpawsaurus's skull indicate the dino's saving grace from predators may have been an acute sense of smell.

Engineering Mar 11, 2016

FDA approves Indego exoskeleton for clinical and personal use

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given clearance to market and sell the powered lower-limb exoskeleton created by a team of Vanderbilt engineers and commercialized by the Parker Hannifin Corporation for both ...

Engineering Mar 11, 2016

Wearable modular device to facilitate walking rehabilitation

In collaboration with Suncall Corporation, and with support provided by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) under the Center of Innovation (COI) Program, Professor Tadao Tsuboyama of the Graduate School of Medicine ...

Robotics Nov 18, 2015

Strategy based on human reflexes may keep legged robots and prosthetic legs from tripping

Trips and stumbles too often lead to falls for amputees using leg prosthetics, but a robotic leg prosthesis being developed at Carnegie Mellon University promises to help users recover their balance by using techniques based ...

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