Search results for maternal milk

Plants & Animals Jan 29, 2021

Specific bacteria in the gut prompt mother mice to neglect their pups

As scientists learn more about the microorganisms that colonize the body—collectively called the microbiota—one area of intense interest is the effect that these microbes can have on the brain. A new study led by Salk ...

Plants & Animals Sep 7, 2020

Female bats brave risky conditions for their young

The daily activity patterns of animals are influenced by a variety of different factors. Understanding how animals distribute their activity over the day, an important part of their behavior, provides valuable insights into ...

Ecology Aug 6, 2020

Herbicide harming marsupial health and development

The health of wallabies and kangaroos is being affected by the herbicide, atrazine, which is used widely in Australia on cereal crops and in forestation to prevent weeds, according to new research.

Ecology Jul 29, 2020

Tsetse flies nurse their young, and understanding this unusual strategy could help fight the disease they spread

Tsetse flies are bloodthirsty. Natives of sub-Saharan Africa, tsetse flies can transmit the microbe Trypanosoma when they take a blood meal. That's the protozoan that causes African sleeping sickness in people; without treatment, ...

Veterinary medicine Jul 16, 2020

Heat stress in gestating dairy cows impairs performance of future generations

It is estimated that in the United States, environmental heat stress in cows costs the dairy industry more than $1.5 billion annually due to decreased milk production, impaired reproductive performance, increased rates of ...

Ecology May 14, 2020

Research reveals the extent of grey seals' maternal sacrifice

Atlantic grey seals, the largest of the two seal species found around British, northern European and North American and Canadian shores, make a huge maternal sacrifice for their pups, new research has revealed.

Plants & Animals Feb 7, 2020

Beef cattle genetics, management critical in fine tuning herds to fit environment

Matching cattle to the land available to graze and the nutrition it offers is critical in optimizing production in an operation.

Plants & Animals Jan 20, 2020

Jumbo undertaking: Elephant milk under the microscope

On a recent sunny day at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, a team of specialized zookeepers collected breast milk samples from two female elephants nursing their 1-year-old calves. Unlike the mechanical breast pumps used by ...

Cell & Microbiology Dec 4, 2019

Inequity takes a toll on your gut microbes, too

People worry about having access to clean water, power, health care and healthy foods because they are essential for survival. But do they ever think about their access to microbes?

Plants & Animals Nov 22, 2019

Motherly poison frogs shed light on maternal brain

For most frogs, motherhood begins and ends with the release of hundreds of eggs into a sizable body of water and then hopping or swimming away.

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