Search results for lithium chloride

Materials Science Aug 12, 2020

Researchers develop catalyst for facilitating selective conversion of reactive lithium compounds

Researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum have developed a new catalyst that can catalyze reactions to produce pharmaceuticals or chemicals used in agriculture. It creates carbon-carbon bonds between what are known as organolithium ...

Materials Science Jul 24, 2020

Serendipity broadens the scope for making graphite

Curtin University researchers have unexpectedly discovered a new way to make crystalline graphite, an essential material used in the making of lithium ion batteries.

Materials Science Jul 15, 2020

A new strategy to synthesize 2-D inorganic materials used in capacitors, batteries, and composites

Surface functional groups in two dimensional (2-D) transition-metal carbides can undergo versatile chemical transformations to facilitate a broad class of MXene materials. In a new report on Science, Vladislav Kamysbayev, ...

Materials Science Jul 3, 2020

West Virginia researchers use neutrons to study materials for power plant improvements

Finding new, more efficient ways to produce power is a critical mission for the Department of Energy (DOE), and developing more advanced materials is often the key to achieving success.

Biochemistry Jun 25, 2020

Marangoni flows drive the alignment of fibrillar cell-laden hydrogels

When a stationary droplet containing a solute in a volatile solvent evaporates, the flow in the droplet can assemble into complex patterns. Researchers have examined such transport in evaporating sessile droplets in solvents. ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 18, 2020

Soft and ion-conducting hydrogel artificial tongue for astringency perception

Artificial tongues have received increased attention due to their ability to detect the five basic tastes, but until now scientists have been unable to fully enable human tongue-like biomimicry for astringency in the lab. ...

Materials Science Apr 27, 2020

Highly concentrated aqueous electrolytes could replace solvents used in batteries

Highly concentrated aqueous electrolytes, known as water-in-salt electrolytes, could be an alternative to the organic solvents used in car batteries and other electrochemical devices. They have the advantages of abundance, ...

Nanophysics Sep 19, 2019

'Nanochains' could increase battery capacity, cut charging time

How long the battery of your phone or computer lasts depends on how many lithium ions can be stored in the battery's negative electrode material. If the battery runs out of these ions, it can't generate an electrical current ...

Materials Science Aug 30, 2019

Illinois engineer continues to make waves in water desalination

For the past several years, University of Illinois researcher Kyle Smith has proven his growing expertise in the field of water desalination, with a range of research results that could address the immediate need to combat ...

Materials Science Mar 22, 2019

Chemists show that sodium can be safely used for cross-coupling reactions

A trio of chemists at Okayama University has published a paper in the journal Nature Catalysis outlining the manner in which sodium can be safely used for cross-coupling reactions. In their paper, Sobi Asako, Hirotaka Nakajima ...

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