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Analytical Chemistry Nov 9, 2023

Q&A: Research improves understanding of particle interactions for better material design

Toothpaste has a hard job. Not only does it have to perform essential functions like scrubbing that coffee residue from your pearly whites, but it also must stay in the tube, exit smoothly under pressure and balance on a ...

Social Sciences Nov 1, 2023

Why women and minority groups are still underrepresented in top management

Over the past few years, there has been a great deal of research looking at how well women are represented in top companies. The findings continue to be distressing.

Ecology Oct 25, 2023

Single model predicts trends in employment, microbiomes, forests

Researchers report that a single, simplified model can predict population fluctuations in three unrelated realms: urban employment, human gut microbiomes and tropical forests. The model will help economists, ecologists, public ...

Education Sep 27, 2023

State politics, industry drive planetary health education for K-12 students in US, finds study

As much of the U.S. broils under record-setting temperatures, battles wildfires and is rocked by fierce storms, a new study suggests that the science learning standards for many public schools are not preparing young people ...

Social Sciences Sep 14, 2023

What's worse than a 'toxic' workplace? One that gaslights employees

When it comes to relationships between co-workers, organizations' stated priorities must match what's happening under the hood.

Social Sciences Sep 12, 2023

Five ways that college campuses benefit from diversity, equity and inclusion programs

For more than half a century, colleges and universities have relied on dedicated programs to attract students of color and support them. Today, those programs—known as diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, programs—are ...

Social Sciences Sep 7, 2023

Many people have biased perceptions of equity, diversity and inclusion leaders, study finds

For the past decade, companies across North America have paid more attention to supporting equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). This has prompted many organizations to create a leadership role fully dedicated to advancing ...

Social Sciences Jul 28, 2023

Analysis of court transcripts reveals biased jury selection

Cornell researchers have shown that data science and artificial intelligence tools can successfully identify when prosecutors question potential jurors differently, in an effort to prevent women and Black people from serving ...

Economics & Business Jul 13, 2023

Digital-intensive industries not always more resilient, study finds

It is widely assumed that digitalization improves the capacity of companies and sectors to cope with crises. But is it the case that digital intensive sectors proved more resilient during the COVID-19 crisis? Researchers ...

Social Sciences Jul 10, 2023

Ageism, sexism, classism and more: Seven examples of bias in AI-generated images

If you've been online much recently, chances are you've seen some of the fantastical imagery created by text-to-image generators such as Midjourney and DALL-E 2. This includes everything from the naturalistic (think a soccer ...

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