Search results for barnacle geese

Earth Sciences Jan 17, 2013

Extreme weather events a potent force for arctic overwintering populations

Climate change is known to affect the population dynamics of single species, such as reindeer or caribou, but the effect of climate at the community level has been much more difficult to document. Now, a group of Norwegian ...

Plants & Animals Nov 16, 2011

Migratory birds don't train for migrations

If you were minded to run a marathon, you probably wouldn't attempt it without any training whatsoever. Yet, scientists have discovered that this is exactly what barnacle geese do before they set off on their epic migrations.

Plants & Animals May 21, 2010

Personality of geese determines their foraging behaviour

When searching for food, slow, shy barnacle geese follow information given by their flock mates. On the other hand, fast, bold geese ignore this type of information and go off in search for food on their own. Whether barnacle ...

Plants & Animals Jul 28, 2009

Invigorated muscle structure allows geese to brave the Himalayas: research

A higher density of blood vessels and other unique physiological features in the flight muscles of bar-headed geese allow them to do what even the most elite of human athletes struggle to accomplish - assert energy at high ...

Dec 15, 2008

Goose eggs may help polar bears weather climate change

As polar bears adapt to a warming Arctic—a frozen seascape that cleaves earlier each spring—they may find relief in an unlikely source: snow goose eggs. New calculations show that changes in the timing of sea-ice breakup ...

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