Search results for sperm motility

Cell & Microbiology Sep 16, 2022

Germ cells move like tiny bulldozers

During fruit fly embryo formation, primordial germ cells—the stem cells that will later form eggs and sperm—must travel from the far end of the embryo to their final location in the gonads. Part of the primordial germ ...

Molecular & Computational biology Jul 28, 2022

A new study gives an important understanding of how molecular motor proteins are involved in malaria transmission

Scientists at the University of Nottingham have made a major breakthrough in understanding how malaria parasites divide and transmit the disease, which could be a major step forwards in helping to prevent one of the biggest ...

Veterinary medicine Jun 30, 2022

Coconut water aids artificial insemination of pigs

Using nutrient-rich coconut water to artificially inseminate female pigs could improve breeding and meat quality, a project carried out in Uganda has found.

Cell & Microbiology Jun 30, 2022

Architecture of the tail drives sperm forward

Channels that line the tail of sperm contain pores that allow the entry of calcium, which fuels their journey to the female reproductive tract.

Cell & Microbiology Jun 13, 2022

Zinc found to be a key regulator of sperm functions during sperm capacitation process

Scientists have struggled to fully understand how male sperm cells function and why they sometimes fail to fertilize female eggs, which has implications for both livestock farmers aiming to maximize food production, as well ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 9, 2022

Study sheds light on how scramblase proteins rearrange cell membranes

A class of proteins known as TMEM16 scramblases permit rearrangement of lipids in the cell membrane chiefly by thinning the membrane, according to a new model by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators.

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 31, 2022

Easy test can see if breeding bulls have the right stuff

Forget sending bull semen out for complicated laboratory tests to learn whether the agricultural animal is highly virile.

Biochemistry Mar 31, 2022

Device directs sperm to 'go against the flow' to help infertility

The female genital tract can be a hostile environment for conception. Out of about 100 million sperm, only a few hundred make it to the fallopian tubes. Guided by a directional movement called rheotaxis, sperm cells swim ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 3, 2022

Putting stem cells on pause

People are having children later than ever before. The average age of new parents in the United States has been rising for at least the past half century.

Cell & Microbiology Feb 16, 2022

Researchers locate novel targets for development of male contraceptive

Researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil have studied a protein in sperm and discovered two new targets that can be used in combination to develop male contraceptives. The study also demonstrates the feasibility ...

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