Search results for integrated circuit

Social Sciences Jun 4, 2024

Engineers have a duty to protect public well-being, but less than half learn how to do so effectively

Engineers who received public welfare responsibility training in classes are more likely to consider the societal impact of technologies they design and to take action when concerns arise, according to a study by University ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 3, 2024

New 3D-printed microscale photonic lantern opens opportunities for spatial mode multiplexing

Optical waves propagating through air or multi-mode fiber can be patterned or decomposed using orthogonal spatial modes, with far-ranging applications in imaging, communication, and directed energy. Yet the systems that perform ...

Biochemistry May 31, 2024

Scientists create 'living bioelectronics' that can sense and heal skin

For years, Prof. Bozhi Tian's lab has been learning how to integrate the world of electronics—rigid, metallic, bulky—with the world of the body—soft, flexible, delicate. In their latest work, they have created a prototype ...

Quantum Physics May 29, 2024

Research team demonstrates modular, scalable hardware architecture for a quantum computer

Quantum computers hold the promise of being able to quickly solve extremely complex problems that might take the world's most powerful supercomputer decades to crack.

Molecular & Computational biology May 27, 2024

Clothed pig carcasses reveal the secrets of mummification—study provides insights for forensic scientists

It was the kind of task any competent seamstress has completed hundreds of times before: altering denim jeans and jerseys. But there was something different about this piece of work. Though our team of scientists were paying ...

Condensed Matter May 27, 2024

Scientists discover polar Bloch points in strained ferroelectric films

A Bloch point is a singular point around which the field vectors are oriented in nearly all directions. In magnetics, it is the natural link between classical and quantum magnetism, and it has not been directly observed. ...

Plants & Animals May 21, 2024

Detecting odors on the edge: Researchers decipher how insects smell more with less

Whether it's the wafting aroma of our favorite meal or the dangerous fumes seeping from a toxic chemical, the human sense of smell has evolved into a sophisticated system that processes scents through several intricate stages. ...

Optics & Photonics May 17, 2024

Researchers develop world's smallest quantum light detector on a silicon chip

Researchers at the University of Bristol have made an important breakthrough in scaling quantum technology by integrating the world's tiniest quantum light detector onto a silicon chip. The paper, "A Bi-CMOS electronic photonic ...

Nanomaterials May 16, 2024

Low-temperature pulse irradiation technique enables flexible optoelectronic devices

The synthesis of metallic inorganic compound thin films typically requires high-temperature processes, which hampers their applications on flexible substrates. Recently, a research team at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) ...

Condensed Matter May 14, 2024

Advancing transistor technology with triply-degenerate semimetal PtBi₂

Despite its promising characteristics in condensed matter physics, the triply-degenerate semimetal PtBi2 has been largely unexplored in practical applications, particularly in semiconductor technology. The main difficulties ...

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