Search results for circadian

Evolution Jan 26, 2024

Genomic analysis sheds light on how seagrasses conquered the sea

Seagrasses provide the foundation of one of the most highly biodiverse, yet vulnerable, coastal marine ecosystems globally. They arose in three independent lineages from their freshwater ancestors some 100 million years ago ...

Earth Sciences Jan 25, 2024

Climate change can put the planet's largest reserves of drinking water at risk

An international study of temperature variations in 12 caves around the world shows that a large part of the Earth's freshwater reserves available for immediate consumption can be at risk due to climate change.

Molecular & Computational biology Jan 24, 2024

Jujube witches' broom phytoplasmas inhibit ZjBRC1-mediated abscisic acid metabolism to induce shoot proliferation

Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), an important species in the Rhamnaceae family, has been cultivated in China for over 7,000 years and is vulnerable to Jujube witches' broom (JWB) disease. This disease, caused by the ...

Plants & Animals Jan 18, 2024

For this beetle, 'date night' comes every other day: The 48-hour cycle of the large black chafer beetle

Life on Earth runs on a 24-hour cycle as the planet turns. Animals and plants have built-in circadian clocks that synchronize metabolism and behavior to this daily cycle. But one beetle is out of sync with the rest of nature.

Space Exploration Jan 17, 2024

Space travel taxes astronauts' brains. But microbes on the menu could help in unexpected ways

Feeding astronauts on a long mission to Mars goes well beyond ensuring they have enough nutrients and calories to survive their multi-year journey.

Plants & Animals Jan 10, 2024

Plant roots mysteriously pulsate and we don't know why—but finding out could change the way we grow things

You probably don't think about plant roots all that much—they're hidden underground after all. Yet they're continually changing the shape of the world. This process happens in your garden, where plants use invisible mechanisms ...

Plants & Animals Dec 22, 2023

Reindeer sleep while chewing their cud, a strategy that may help them in the summer

Researchers report December 22 in the journal Current Biology that the more time reindeer spend ruminating, the less time they spend in non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. EEG recordings revealed that reindeer's brainwaves ...

Cell & Microbiology Dec 21, 2023

Examining the relationship between the rate of wound healing, the circadian rhythm and cilium length

Nearly every organism on Earth follows a natural circadian rhythm that is coded by your cell's clock genes, which do exactly as you suspect from the name: regulate your body's rhythm on a 24-hour basis.

Evolution Dec 14, 2023

Neanderthals may have been morning people, says new study

A new research paper finds that genetic material from Neanderthal ancestors may have contributed to the propensity of some people today to be "early risers," the sort of people who are more comfortable getting up and going ...

Molecular & Computational biology Dec 6, 2023

Fruit fly study finds blue light exposure may affect processes related to aging

In a study on fruit flies, daily low-intensity blue light exposure (BLE), similar to that experienced daily by billions of humans in the form of LED lighting and device screens, changed flies at the sub-cellular level, affecting ...

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