Search results for FPGA

Education Jul 1, 2021

A remote laboratory for performing experiments with real electronic and communications equipment

Laboratories are an inherent part of technology qualifications, as practical experiments are essential for students to acquire the competencies and skills that they will need during their future professional development. ...

General Physics Jun 17, 2020

Graphics cards farm to help in search of new physics at LHCb

For the first time, data from LHCb, a major physics experiment, will be processed on a farm of GPUs. This solution is not only much cheaper, but it will help decrease the cluster size and process data at speeds up to 40 Tbit/s. ...

Optics & Photonics Nov 11, 2019

Smart metamaterials that sense and reprogram themselves

Materials scientists aim to engineer intelligence into the fabric of materials or metamaterials for programmable functions. Engineering efforts can vary from passive to active forms to develop programmable metasurfaces using ...

General Physics Aug 20, 2019

Boosting computing power for the future of particle physics

A new machine learning technology tested by an international team of scientists including MIT Assistant Professor Philip Harris and postdoc Dylan Rankin, both of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science, can spot specific particle ...

General Physics Aug 16, 2019

A glimpse into the future: Accelerated computing for accelerated particles

Every proton collision at the Large Hadron Collider is different, but only a few are special. The special collisions generate particles in unusual patterns—possible manifestations of new, rule-breaking physics—or help ...

Space Exploration Jul 31, 2019

Cybersecurity test on ISS

A compact experiment aimed at enhancing cybersecurity for future space missions is operational in Europe's Columbus module of the International Space Station, running in part on a Raspberry Pi Zero computer costing just a ...

Quantum Physics Jul 15, 2019

How the quest for a scalable quantum computer is helping fight cancer

Today, someone with breast cancer may undergo several rounds of chemotherapy and spend months in limbo before medical scans can show if that particular cocktail of toxic drugs is shrinking the tumor.

Hardware May 31, 2019

Vulnerability of cloud service hardware uncovered

Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are kind of like a computer manufacturer's Lego bricks: electronic components that can be employed in a more flexible way than other computer chips. Even large data centers that are ...

General Physics May 16, 2019

TSU physicists are investigating the effects of radiation on DNA

Scientists from TSU's Laboratory of Experimental High Energy Physics and their colleagues from the University of Bordeaux are studying new ways of modeling the effects of low doses of radiation at the cellular level. For ...

Software Apr 22, 2019

Toshiba's breakthrough algorithm realizes world's fastest, largest-scale combinatorial optimization

Toshiba Corporation has realized a major breakthrough in combinatorial optimization—the selection of the best solutions from among an enormous number of combinatorial patterns—with the development of an algorithm that ...

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