Search results for 4-D printing

Engineering Nov 12, 2013

From knee to neuron, offspring of Yale's 3D printers multiply

( —Yale neuroscientist Gordon Shepherd has studied neurons for decades. But until recently he'd never had a neuron he could grasp with his own two hands: Neurons are much too small.

Internet Aug 6, 2013

Challenges face Bezos as he buys Washington Post (Update)

Jeff Bezos turned selling books online into a multibillion-dollar business that has changed retailing forever. Many are now anxious to see if Bezos can do the same for the media industry, after the founder announced ...

Other Apr 14, 2012

Vatican and Oxford libraries announce joint digital conversion of some manuscripts, books

More world literature just got its door kicked open digitally. For the first time scholars will be able to compare material kept in the separate collections for centuries.

Business Apr 6, 2012

Amazon aims to wring deep discounts from publishers

The bad news came to McFarland & Co. in an email from Inc. The world's largest Internet retailer wanted better wholesale terms for the small publisher's books. Starting Jan. 1, 2012 - then only 19 days away - Amazon ...

Consumer & Gadgets Nov 26, 2010

Gift guide for tech fiends

It's that time of year again - time to start thinking about holiday gifts.

Computer Sciences Nov 13, 2009

Cryptographic voting debuts

( -- Last week, in Takoma Park, Md., a new cryptographic voting system that could ensure accurate vote counts was used for the first time in a real election. MIT’s Ron Rivest, the Viterbi Professor of Electrical ...

Sep 2, 2005

Printable Electronics Market To Surpass $7 Billion In Revenue in 2010…

According to a new report from NanoMarkets, an industry analyst firm, the market for printable electronics will generate estimated revenues of over $7 billion ($ US) in 2010 driven by demand for printable displays, RFID, ...

Mathematics Mar 11, 2021

After cracking the 'sum of cubes' puzzle for 42, researchers discover a new solution for 3

What do you do after solving the answer to life, the universe, and everything? If you're mathematicians Drew Sutherland and Andy Booker, you go for the harder problem.

Social Sciences Sep 28, 2023

Juries that don't understand forensic science can send innocent people to prison. A short training video could help

Ledura Watkins was 19 years old when he was accused of murdering a public school teacher. At trial, a forensic expert testified that a single hair found at the scene was similar to Watkins' and stated his conclusion was based ...

General Physics Jun 4, 2019

Laws of physics replace trial and error in new approaches to bioprinting

3-D printers can be used to make a variety of useful objects by building up a shape, layer by layer. Scientists have used this same technique to "bioprint" living tissues, including muscle and bone.

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