Search results for 4-D printing

Engineering Aug 12, 2015

Programming materials for better designs

We often think of the everyday materials we use to build our human world as static, but we should think again: MIT's Self-Assembly Lab programs such materials to transform themselves to handle tasks more simply and efficiently, ...

Space Exploration Aug 6, 2015

New online exploring tools bring NASA's journey to Mars to new generation

On the three-year anniversary of the Mars landing of NASA's Curiosity rover, NASA is unveiling two new online tools that open the mysterious terrain of the Red Planet to a new generation of explorers, inviting the public ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 15, 2015

Better chocolate with microbes

For decades, researchers have worked to improve cacao fermentation by controlling the microbes involved. Now, to their surprise, a team of Belgian researchers has discovered that the same species of yeast used in production ...

Other Jul 1, 2015

Another five things to know about meta-analysis

Last year I wrote a post of "5 Key Things to Know About Meta-Analysis". It was a great way to focus – but it was hard keeping to only 5. With meta-analyses booming, including many that are poorly done or misinterpreted, ...

Engineering Jun 2, 2015

New case study finds 3-D printing could reduce airplane's weight by 4 to 7 percent

A Northwestern University team has confirmed a new way to help the airline industry save dollars while also saving the environment. And the solution comes in three dimensions. By manufacturing aircrafts' metal parts with ...

Engineering May 22, 2015

Defusing bombs by color

This March, Cambodia held its first national-level science festival at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, attracting over 10,000 young students to the science booths over the course of three days. At one table, Allen Tan, ...

Security May 21, 2015

Defense Department's tech investing signals Silicon Valley's importance in cyberwarfare

As more conflicts shift from land to cyberspace, the nation's defense agencies are relying less on missiles and tanks and more on Silicon Valley technology entrepreneurs and startups to secure the country's porous Internet ...

General Physics May 19, 2015

Seashell strength inspires stress tests

Mollusks got it right. They have soft innards, but their complex exteriors are engineered to protect them in harsh conditions. Engineers at the Indian Institute of Science and Rice University are beginning to understand why.

Space Exploration May 1, 2015

SpaceX mile-high escape test will feature 'Buster' the dummy

SpaceX is just days away from shooting up a crew capsule to test a launch escape system designed to save astronauts' lives.

Other May 1, 2015

Short science abstracts that avoid jargon and hype are cited less, study shows

When writing the abstracts for journal articles, most scientists receive similar advice: keep it short, dry, and simple. But a new analysis by University of Chicago researchers of over one million abstracts finds that many ...

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