Search results for robotics

Nanomaterials Jun 17, 2020

Nanomaterial gives robots chameleon skin

A new film made of gold nanoparticles changes color in response to any type of movement. Its unprecedented qualities could allow robots to mimic chameleons and octopi—among other futuristic applications.

Quantum Physics Jun 16, 2020

Borrowing from robotics, scientists automate mapping of quantum systems

Scientists at the University of Sydney have adapted techniques from autonomous vehicles and robotics to efficiently assess the performance of quantum devices, an important process to help stabilize the emerging technologies.

Materials Science Jun 4, 2020

'Artificial chemist' combines AI, robotics to conduct autonomous R&D

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University at Buffalo have developed a technology called "Artificial Chemist," which incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and an automated system for performing ...

Materials Science Jun 1, 2020

New stretchable, self-healing and illuminating electronic material for wearables and soft robots

Imagine a flexible digital screen that heals itself when it cracks, or a light-emitting robot that locates survivors in dark, dangerous environments or carries out farming and space exploration tasks. A novel material developed ...

Plants & Animals May 8, 2020

Robot designers take heed: adjustable hairy toes help geckos run sideways along walls

Robots with toes? Experiments suggest that climbing robots could benefit from having flexible, hairy toes, like those of geckos, that can adjust quickly to accommodate shifting weight and slippery surfaces.

General Physics Mar 19, 2020

Researchers unlock secrets to swimming efficiency of whales, dolphins for next-gen underwater robots

Someday, underwater robots may so closely mimic creatures like fish that they'll fool not only the real animals themselves but humans as well. That ability could yield information ranging from the health of fish stocks to ...

Economics & Business Feb 27, 2020

Don't fear a 'robot apocalypse' – tomorrow's digital jobs will be more satisfying and higher-paid

If you're concerned that automation and artificial intelligence are going to disrupt the economy over the next decade, join the club. But while policymakers and academics agree there'll be significant disruption, they differ ...

Plants & Animals Feb 25, 2020

Exceptional catapulting jump mechanism in a tiny beetle could be applied in robotic limbs

The fascinating and highly efficient jumping mechanism in flea beetles is described in a new research article in the open-access journal Zookeys. Despite having been known since 1929, the explosive jump—which is also the ...

Earth Sciences Jan 31, 2020

Robotic submarine snaps first-ever images at foundation of notorious Antarctic glacier

During an unprecedented scientific campaign on an Antarctic glacier notorious for contributions to sea-level, researchers took first-ever images at the glacier's foundations on the ocean floor. The area is key to Thwaites ...

Social Sciences Jan 27, 2020

Do robots and snails deserve human rights?

In 1999, Sony launched Aibo, a line of robotic dogs designed to provide companionship to Japanese families. It could follow its owner around the house, wag its tail and respond to commands—all without the vet bills, bathroom ...

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