Search results for moons

Space Exploration Feb 27, 2024

Could tardigrades have colonized the moon?

Just over five years ago, on 22 February 2019, an unmanned space probe was placed in orbit around the moon. Named Beresheet and built by SpaceIL and Israel Aerospace Industries, it was intended to be the first private spacecraft ...

Space Exploration Feb 27, 2024

Rough landing cuts short historic private moon lander mission

After the historic return of the U.S. to the surface of the moon after more than 50 years last week, a private company's lunar lander will likely have its mission cut short because of how it landed.

Space Exploration Feb 26, 2024

Sideways moon landing cuts mission short, private US lunar lander will stop working Tuesday

A private U.S. lunar lander is expected to stop working Tuesday, its mission cut short after landing sideways near the south pole of the moon.

Space Exploration Feb 26, 2024

Japan's moon lander survives a second weekslong lunar night, beating predictions

Japan's first moon lander responded to a signal from Earth, suggesting it has survived a second freezing weekslong lunar night, Japan's space agency said Monday.

Space Exploration Feb 24, 2024

Why it took the US 51 years to get back on the moon

For the first time since 1972, the United States is back on the moon.

Space Exploration Feb 23, 2024

America returns spaceship to the Moon, a private sector first

For the first time since the Apollo era, an American spaceship has landed on the Moon: an uncrewed commercial robot, funded by NASA to pave the way for US astronauts to return to Earth's cosmic neighbor later this decade.

Space Exploration Feb 22, 2024

Commercial US spaceship hours from attempted Moon landing

A Houston-based company is set Thursday to land America's first spaceship on the Moon in more than 50 years, part of a new fleet of NASA-funded, uncrewed, commercial robots meant to pave the way for astronaut missions this ...

Space Exploration Feb 16, 2024

NASA Artemis science, first intuitive machines flight head to moon

A suite of NASA science instruments and technology demonstrations is on the way to our nearest celestial neighbor for the benefit of humanity. Through this flight to the moon, they will provide insights into the lunar surface ...

Astrobiology Feb 14, 2024

Saturn's largest moon most likely uninhabitable

A study led by Western astrobiologist Catherine Neish shows the subsurface ocean of Titan—the largest moon of Saturn—is most likely a non-habitable environment, meaning any hope of finding life in the icy world is dead ...

Space Exploration Feb 14, 2024

Another overnight sonic boom possible from SpaceX launch of moon-bound lander

Another commercial company is trying to become the first to land on the moon with a planned overnight launch atop a SpaceX rocket that could bring another sonic boom to Central Florida.

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