See also stories tagged with Anisotropy

Search results for anisotropy

Quantum Physics Nov 27, 2019

Scientists find new way to identify, manipulate topological metals for spintronics

Topological materials have become a hot topic in quantum materials research, as they have potential applications for quantum information and spintronics. This is because topological materials have strange electronic states ...

Astronomy Nov 27, 2019

Evidence for anisotropy of cosmic acceleration

The observed acceleration of the Hubble expansion rate has been attributed to a mysterious "dark energy" which supposedly makes up about 70% of the universe. Professor Subir Sarkar from the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical ...

Astronomy Nov 26, 2019

Anisotropic radio-wave scattering in the solar corona

Solar radio emission is produced in the turbulent medium of the solar atmosphere, and its observed properties (source position, size, time profile, polarization, etc.) are significantly affected by the propagation of the ...

General Physics Nov 22, 2019

New method for using spin waves in magnetic materials

Smaller, faster, more energy-efficient—this is the goal that developers of electronic devices have been working towards for years. In order to be able to miniaturize individual components of mobile phones or computers for ...

Condensed Matter Nov 12, 2019

Massive photons in an artificial magnetic field

An international research collaboration from Poland, the UK and Russia has created a two-dimensional system—a thin optical cavity filled with liquid crystal—in which they trapped photons. As the properties of the cavity ...

Nanophysics Nov 12, 2019

Magnetic tuning at the nanoscale

In collaboration with colleagues from the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW) and the University of Glasgow, physicists from the German research center Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf ...

Condensed Matter Nov 11, 2019

Non-volatile control of magnetic anisotropy through change of electric polarization

Researchers at Kanazawa University controlled the magnetic properties of a metal layer through the electrical polarization of a neighboring metal oxide layer. Computational simulations and experimental measurements revealed ...

Analytical Chemistry Nov 7, 2019

X-rays of human skull to improve military helmets

Scientists often use complex computer models of the skull and brain when designing helmets to prevent or minimize injury to the head due to impact. These models require intricate knowledge of the behavior of the skull and ...

Astronomy Oct 31, 2019

WFIRST will add pieces to the dark matter puzzle

The true nature of dark matter is one of the biggest mysteries in the universe. Scientists are trying to determine what exactly dark matter is made of so they can detect it directly, but our current understanding has so many ...

Nanophysics Oct 17, 2019

Double layer of graphene helps to control spin currents

In order to make transistors that operate using the spin of electrons rather than their charge, it is necessary to find a way of switching spin currents on and off. Furthermore, the lifetime of the spins should at least be ...

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