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Search results for Shuttle Discovery

Space Exploration Jan 24, 2014

Sierra Nevada Corporation announces new space plans for NASA's Kennedy Space Center

In the latest example of NASA Kennedy Space Center's transformation into a multi-user spaceport, Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) of Louisville, Colo., announced Thursday steps it will take to prepare for a November 2016 orbital ...

Analytical Chemistry Jan 21, 2014

Probe allows real-time imaging of electrode-liquid electrolyte interface

( —A new imaging capability that provides direct probing of the solid electrode-liquid electrolyte interface enables, for the first time, a way to investigate the surface region and diffused layer region with chemical ...

Space Exploration Dec 24, 2013

Astronauts wrap up successful spacewalk to fix station (Update 4)

Two NASA astronauts wrapped up successful repairs at the International Space Station on Tuesday after a rare Christmas Eve spacewalk to fix an equipment cooling system.

Space Exploration Dec 24, 2013

Astronauts poised for second spacewalk to repair station

Two American astronauts prepared to step out Tuesday on a rare Christmas Eve spacewalk to wrap up repairs to the cooling system at the International Space Station, NASA said.

Cell & Microbiology Dec 20, 2013

New mechanism that permits selective capture of microRNAs in nanovesicles that shuttle between cells

A team of CNIC researchers directed by Prof. Francisco Sánchez-Madrid (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid & CNIC) has described for the first time how microRNAs— small RNA molecules that regulate the expression of specific ...

Space Exploration Dec 18, 2013

NASA engineers crush fuel tank to build better rockets

( —NASA completed a series of high-tech can-crushing tests last week as an enormous fuel tank crumbled under the pressure of almost a million pounds of force, all in the name of building lighter, more affordable ...

Space Exploration Dec 12, 2013

Hubble discovers water vapor venting from Jupiter's moon Europa

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has discovered water vapour erupting from the frigid surface of Jupiter's moon Europa, in one or more localised plumes near its south pole.

Biochemistry Dec 3, 2013

Rensselaer researchers to map step-by-step mechanism of photosynthesis

With support from the Photosynthetic Systems Division at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), researchers in the School of Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are expanding a successful research program to uncover ...

Space Exploration Dec 2, 2013

NASA Goddard joins new virtual research institute

Researchers from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. have joined a new NASA virtual institute that will focus on questions concerning space science and human space exploration. Nine research teams from seven ...

Space Exploration Nov 15, 2013

Rescuing the Hubble space telescope

In the past two decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has produced thousands of staggering images of the universe—capturing colliding galaxies, collapsing stars, and pillars of cosmic gas and dust with its high-precision ...

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