Search results for Plant Flower

Plants & Animals Oct 31, 2022

Want to save the bees? Pay attention to pathogens and flowers

New research published in the journal Ecology conclusively shows that certain physical traits of flowers affect the health of bumblebees by modulating the transmission of a harmful pathogen called Crithidia bombi. In particular, ...

Ecology Oct 24, 2022

Different blossoming schedules have kept these flowers from driving each other extinct

A big part of evolution is competition— when there are limited resources to go around, plants and animals have to duke it out for nutrients, mates, and places to live. That means that the flower-covered meadows of China's ...

Evolution Oct 21, 2022

The secret behind spectacular blooms in world's driest desert

The Atacama desert, which stretches for approximately 1,600 km along the western coast of the cone of South America, is the driest place on Earth. Some weather stations there have never recorded rainfall throughout their ...

Plants & Animals Oct 14, 2022

How alpine plants respond to climate change

Researchers from ETH Zurich are studying how alpine vegetation is responding to a warming climate—and how some plant communities are continuing to stand firm against newcomers from lower elevations.

Evolution Oct 7, 2022

Tracing a possible origin of animal pollination

An international team of researchers including Florian Etl and Jürg Schönenberger from the University ofVienna, Stefan Dötterl and Mario Schubert from the University of Salzburg, and Oliver Reiser and Christian Kaiser ...

Plants & Animals Sep 29, 2022

Ozone pollution threatens plant health and makes it harder for pollinators to find flowers

Over the past decades, rising levels of ozone pollution have been interrupting pollination, impacting the livelihood of both plants and the animals that pollinate them. In a review published September 29 in the journal Trends ...

Ecology Sep 26, 2022

Flower strips and hedges combine to boost bees in orchards

Researchers at the University of Freiburg have found that hedges and perennial flower strips are complementary in supporting wild bees in orchards by providing continuous resources over the growing season. The results are ...

Plants & Animals Sep 23, 2022

Want noisy miners to be less despotic? Think twice before filling your garden with nectar-rich flowers

Noisy miners are complicated creatures. These Australian native honeyeaters live in large cooperative groups, use alarm calls to target specific predators, and sometimes help raise the young of other miners. But they're perhaps ...

Ecology Sep 19, 2022

Heated plot experiments reveal link between warmer early winters and lower crop yields

Innovative experiments using temperature-controlled field plots have helped to explain the link between early winter temperatures and yield in some of our most marketable arable crops.

Biotechnology Sep 12, 2022

Carnivorous plants inspire smart slippery surfaces and bionic robots

A new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances discusses how carnivorous plants inspire smart slippery surfaces and bionic robots.

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