Search results for qubits

Aug 31, 2005

Breakthrough in Development of Quantum Computers

A Hitachi-Cambridge team develops a new silicon qubit Hitachi Europe Ltd. announced today that a Hitachi-Cambridge team has developed a new silicon device for quantum computing: a quantum-dot charge qubit. This structure, ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 8, 2023

Quantum data conversion offers a path to scale up quantum technology architectures

Researchers at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory in Paris have succeeded in building the first converter between the two different types of quantum-bit encodings—an equivalent to converters for classical information, but targeted ...

Quantum Physics Nov 21, 2022

Microlaser chip adds new dimensions to quantum communication

Researchers at Penn Engineering have created a chip that outstrips the security and robustness of existing quantum communications hardware. Their technology communicates in "qudits," doubling the quantum information space ...

Quantum Physics Apr 17, 2019

Researchers use noise data to increase reliability of quantum computers

A new technique by researchers at Princeton University, University of Chicago and IBM significantly improves the reliability of quantum computers by harnessing data about the noisiness of operations on real hardware. In a ...

Quantum Physics Jul 18, 2016

All you need for quantum computing at room temperature is some mothballs

Much of the current research on the development of a quantum computer involves work at very low temperatures. The challenge to make them more practical for everyday use is to make them work at room temperature.

Quantum Physics Mar 10, 2015

Traveling without moving: Quantum communication scheme transfers quantum states without transmitting physical particles

(—While Einstein considered quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance," and those who fully accept entanglement acknowledge it to be counterintuitive, current entanglement-based quantum communication ...

Quantum Physics Dec 1, 2014

Hackers begone: Measurement-device-independent QKD increases clock rate and transmission distance while reducing failure

(—In the ongoing effort to make communications secure, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) theoretically provides a solution – but to the delight of increasingly sophisticated hackers, falls short in real-world systems ...

Quantum Physics May 18, 2012

Quantum computing: The light at the end of the tunnel may be a single photon

Quantum physics promises faster and more powerful computers, but quantum versions of basic logic functions are still needed to bring this technology to fruition. Researchers from the University of Cambridge and Toshiba Research ...

Quantum Physics May 14, 2011

D-Wave researchers demonstrate progress in quantum computing

( -- Taking another step toward demonstrating quantum behavior in a quantum computer, researchers from the Vancouver-based company D-Wave Systems, Inc., have performed a technique called quantum annealing, which ...

Quantum Physics Oct 9, 2009

Quantum computing may actually be useful, after all

( -- In recent years, quantum computers have lost some of their luster. In the 1990s, it seemed that they might be able to solve a class of difficult but common problems — the so-called NP-complete problems ...

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