Search results for machine learning

Economics & Business May 29, 2024

Why are organizational cover-ups so common?

The TV dramatization of the UK Horizon Post Office scandal evoked outrage and disbelief. However, as another example of dysfunctional organizational behavior, it was expected rather than exceptional.

Condensed Matter May 23, 2024

Researchers investigate properties of novel materials for electronics operating in extremely hot environments

The scorching surface of Venus, where temperatures can climb to 480°C (hot enough to melt lead), is an inhospitable place for humans and machines alike. One reason scientists have not yet been able to send a rover to the ...

Molecular & Computational biology May 11, 2024

Study discovers cellular activity that hints recycling is in our DNA

Although you may not appreciate them, or have even heard of them, throughout your body, countless microscopic machines called spliceosomes are hard at work. As you sit and read, they are faithfully and rapidly putting back ...

General Physics May 1, 2024

CERN gives green light to build new experiment to search for unknown particles

After many years of preparations, CERN has approved a new experiment: the Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP). Physicist Alexey Boyarsky was involved from the start. "We know there is physics that's missing and we aim to find ...

Astronomy Apr 23, 2024

MeerKAT: The South African radio telescope that's transformed our understanding of the cosmos

South Africa's Karoo region is a vast semi-arid area that stretches across four of the country's provinces. It is sparsely populated and renowned for its wide open spaces.

Computer Sciences Mar 15, 2019

Adaptive learning system using big data based machine learning

Over the past few decades, many studies conducted in the field of learning science have reported that scaffolding plays an important role in human learning. To scaffold a learner efficiently, a teacher should predict how ...

Plants & Animals Apr 1, 2024

Machine learning provides a new picture of the great gray owl

The great gray owl has long been thought of as a sentinel of the Alaska wilderness, keeping watch over snow-laden forests as far north as the Brooks Range, well away from human populations.

Archaeology Mar 22, 2024

Researcher uses machine learning to help digitize ancient texts from Indus civilization

The civilization of Indus River Valley is considered one of the three earliest civilizations in world history, along with Mesopotamia and Egypt. Bigger geographically than those two as it unfolded starting in 3300 BCE across ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 20, 2024

Biologists use machine learning to classify fossils of extinct pollen

In the quest to decipher the evolutionary relationships of extinct organisms from fossils, researchers often face challenges in discerning key features from weathered fossils, or with prioritizing characteristics of organisms ...

General Physics Mar 11, 2024

Statisticians and physicists team up to bring a machine learning approach to mining of nuclear data

Physicists use theoretical models to study physical quantities, such as the mass of nuclei, where they do not have experimental data. However, using a single imperfect theoretical model can lead to misleading results. To ...

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