See also stories tagged with Virus

Search results for virus

Evolution May 2, 2023

Scientists present evidence for a billion-years arms race between viruses and their hosts

Researchers have proposed a new evolutionary model for the origin of a kingdom of viruses called Bamfordvirae, suggesting a billion-years evolutionary arms race between two groups within this kingdom and their hosts.

Evolution Apr 21, 2023

New types of viruses discovered that infect plankton in the world's oceans

An international team of oceanologists, chemists and microbiologists has announced the discovery of several new viruses that infect plankton in all of the world's oceans. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the ...

Economics & Business Apr 19, 2023

When financial distress spreads like a virus

Financial distress can spread through the business network that links different firms at a speed that is dependent on the intensity of interfirm interactions. Empirical results show that, starting from the '80s, the economy ...

Biochemistry Apr 18, 2023

Light-activated solution kills infectious viruses and bacteria on contact

A University of Alberta engineering researcher has developed an antimicrobial solution that kills infectious pathogens on contact with face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE).

Cell & Microbiology Apr 17, 2023

New discovery stops bacterial virus contamination

A new discovery by researchers at the University of Warwick could help stop bacteria being contaminated with viruses, reducing disruption and decreasing costs in industry and research.

Biotechnology Apr 12, 2023

A new way to make a virus-fighting protein could save lives during the next pandemic

A multidisciplinary research team has produced a promising virus-fighting protein using a quick, portable process that could be easily deployed at the source of a future virus outbreak. The team includes researchers from ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 11, 2023

Examining the stowaways in the genome

During a large-scale study of complex single-celled microbes, Dr. Christopher Bellas, Marie-Sophie Plakolb and Prof. Ruben Sommaruga from the Department of Ecology at the University of Innsbruck made an unexpected discovery. ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 5, 2023

Researchers reveal the complex assembly process involved in DNA virus replication

"Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Scientists have long faced a similar question about how human adenovirus replicates: "Which comes first, assembly of the viral particle, or packaging of the viral genome?"

Plants & Animals Apr 3, 2023

Aphid salivary protein found to promote virus infection in plants

The risk for pandemic diseases caused by arboviruses is rising as the dispersal rate of their arthropod vectors increases. During probing and feeding of arthropod vectors, vector-borne viruses are delivered into vertebrate/plant ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 27, 2023

How an early mutation in the COVID-19 virus helped it spread so quickly

The rapid spread of COVID-19 may have been partly due to changes in the structure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus wrought by an early mutation in its genome, a detailed analysis by RIKEN researchers suggests. The finding, published ...

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