Search results for aerosolization

Earth Sciences Mar 13, 2017

Explaining a 'once-in-a-billion-year event': A perfect storm of fire and ice may have led to snowball Earth

What caused the largest glaciation event in Earth's history, known as 'snowball Earth'?Geologists and climate scientists have been searching for the answer for years but the root cause of the phenomenon remains elusive.

Environment Mar 3, 2017

Brake dust may cause more problems than blackened wheel covers

Though tailpipe emissions could fall in the years ahead as more zero-emission vehicles hit the streets, one major source of highway air pollution shows no signs of abating: brake and tire dust.

Materials Science Mar 2, 2017

A certain type of salt added to pesticide found to help prevent waste due to splashing

(—A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in China has found that adding a certain type of salt to liquid pesticides greatly reduces waste due to splashing. In their paper published in the journal ...

Earth Sciences Oct 24, 2016

Amazon rainstorms transport atmospheric particles for cloud formation

Understanding how tiny particles emitted by cars and factories affect Earth's climate requires accurate climate modeling and the ability to quantify the effects of these pollutant particles vs. particles naturally present ...

Space Exploration Oct 4, 2016

Houston, we have a dust problem: CSU-developed air samplers are spacebound

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) conduct research, fix equipment, perform space walks ... and they vacuum.

Environment Jan 19, 2016

Chemical study of the influence of the marine environment on historical buildings

The University of the Basque Country's (UPV/EHU) IBeA research group has studied by means of various analytical tools the influence that may be exerted by various marine and urban-industrial atmospheres on the state of conservation ...

Earth Sciences May 18, 2015

New link between ocean microbes and atmosphere uncovered

Few things are more refreshing than the kiss of sea spray on your face. You may not realize it, but that cool, moist air influences our climate by affecting how clouds are formed and how sunlight is scattered over the oceans. ...

Earth Sciences Jan 29, 2015

Satellites can improve regional air quality forecasting

Satellites planned for launch during the next several years may have an expanded role: Forecasting air-quality worldwide.

Environment Mar 10, 2014

Climatologist challenges low-end claims of Intergovernmental panel

( —Drew Shindell, a climatologist and ozone specialist with NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has published a Letter piece in the journal Nature Climate Change challenging the findings of an intergovernmental ...

Earth Sciences Feb 4, 2014

Testing an atmospheric model's radiative flux sensitivities at the top of the atmosphere

For the first time, scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory conducted a comprehensive sensitivity study of 16 selected parameters in a popular atmospheric model to analyze their effect on the flux of energy at ...

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