Search results for zeolite

Materials Science Aug 17, 2017

Discovery could lead to new catalyst design to reduce nitrogen oxides in diesel exhaust

Researchers have discovered a new reaction mechanism that could be used to improve catalyst designs for pollution control systems to further reduce emissions of smog-causing nitrogen oxides in diesel exhaust.

Materials Science Aug 2, 2017

Interdisciplinary team designs gas flow cell to analyze catalytic behavior

Researchers at the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) now have access to a cutting-edge capability for studying catalysts.

Plasma Physics Aug 1, 2017

Aug. 2017: Story tips from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Cooking up biofuel

Materials Science Jul 17, 2017

Studying argon gas trapped in two-dimensional array of tiny 'cages'

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory had just finished an experiment with a two-dimensional (2D) structure they synthesized for catalysis research when, to their surprise, they ...

Materials Science Jul 3, 2017

New studies of ancient concrete could teach us to do as the Romans did

Around A.D. 79, Roman author Pliny the Elder wrote in his Naturalis Historia that concrete structures in harbors, exposed to the constant assault of the saltwater waves, become "a single stone mass, impregnable to the waves ...

Materials Science Jun 29, 2017

Fuel and chemicals from plant waste

From the inexhaustible raw material lignin, which as a constituent of many plants accumulates in great quantities, fuels and other important substances could in theory be extracted for industry – so far, though, it can't ...

Materials Science Jun 28, 2017

Zeolite catalysts pave the road to decentral chemical processes

Fuel from waste? It is possible. But hitherto, converting organic waste to fuel has not been economically viable. Excessively high temperatures and too much energy are required. Using a novel catalyst concept, researchers ...

Materials Science Jun 5, 2017

Metal-ion catalysts and hydrogen peroxide could green up plastics production

Researchers at the University of Illinois are contributing to the development of more environmentally friendly catalysts for the production of plastic and resin precursors that are often derived from fossil fuels. The key ...

Materials Science May 23, 2017

A new tool for discovering nanoporous materials

Materials classified as "nanoporous" have structures (or "frameworks") with pores up to 100 nm in diameter. These include diverse materials used in different fields from gas separation, catalysis, and even medicine (e.g. ...

Materials Science May 5, 2017

A way to use water to convert methane into methanol

(—A team of researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institut and ETH Zurich, both in Switzerland, has developed a one-step process that uses water to convert methane to methanol. In their paper published in the journal ...

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