Search results for intellectual power

Software Apr 9, 2018

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, unless you are an app developer

For every two mobile apps released, one is a clone of an existing app. However, new research published in the INFORMS journal Information Systems Research shows the success of the original app is not always adversely affected ...

Business Apr 8, 2018

Tech sector frets as US-China trade tensions simmer

As US-China trade tensions ratchet up, the technology sector is fretting over the potential for collateral damage to one of America's most important export industries.

Earth Sciences Apr 6, 2018

Why weather forecasters still struggle to get the big storms right

It was March 2017, and a winter storm named Stella promised to deliver up to a foot and a half of snow to New York City and parts of New Jersey. Officials pushed out blizzard warnings, suggesting the city was under imminent ...

Internet Apr 6, 2018

Our ongoing love-hate relationship with personality tests

The public backlash against Cambridge Analytica and Facebook centres on their practices of harvesting psychological data to influence political behaviour. But this is not the first time corporations have used personality ...

Internet Apr 4, 2018

Why we should all cut the Facebook cord—or should we?

I wrote my dissertation on the political economy of scholarly communication, and the transformative potentials of what were then emerging internet technologies.

Internet Mar 26, 2018

Is Zuckerberg willing to act boldly to fix Facebook crisis?

As questions mounted last year about whether Facebook had been exploited to tilt the U.S. presidential election, Mark Zuckerberg's to-do list landed him on a fishing trawler off Alabama's Gulf coast.

Internet Mar 26, 2018

Watch it, Facebook: new EU data rules may have broad impact

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is promising to do a better job protecting user data following reports that a political consultant misused the personal information of millions of the company's subscribers. The fact is, European ...

Social Sciences Mar 19, 2018

Eliminating injustice imposed by the death penalty

In "Black Lives Matter and the Call for Death Penalty Abolition," published in Ethics, Michael Cholbi and Alex Madva defend the central arguments of the Black Lives Matter movement's abolitionist stance on capital punishment. ...

Telecom Mar 15, 2018

What is 5G and why did Trump nix a huge tech deal to boost America's lead in its development?

Self-driving cars. Internet-connected homes. Smart cities. Innovations like these are expected to reshape the technology industry and society at large—but none will take off without stronger wireless infrastructure, known ...

General Physics Mar 15, 2018

The world reacts to the death of physicist Stephen Hawking

Reaction to the death of theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking:

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