Search results for chip

Quantum Physics Oct 29, 2021

Innovative chip resolves quantum headache

Quantum physicists at the University of Copenhagen are reporting an international achievement for Denmark in the field of quantum technology. By simultaneously operating multiple spin qubits on the same quantum chip, they ...

Quantum Physics Oct 26, 2021

Chip-based quantum microcomb creates entanglement between optical fields

Researchers have developed a tiny optical frequency comb, or microcomb, that uses two-mode squeezing to create unconditional entanglement between continuous optical fields. The miniature chip-based device lays the groundwork ...

Quantum Physics Oct 21, 2021

Shrinking quantum key distribution technology to a semiconductor chip

Toshiba Europe Ltd today announced it has developed the world's first chip-based quantum key distribution (QKD) system. This advance will enable the mass manufacture of quantum security technology, bringing its application ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 21, 2021

A traffic light for light-on-a-chip

Integrated photonics allow us to build compact, portable, low-power chip-scale optical systems used in commercial products, revolutionizing today's optical datacenters and communications. But integrating on-chip optical gain ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 21, 2021

New photonic chip for isolating light may be key to miniaturizing quantum devices

Light offers an irreplaceable way to interact with our universe. It can travel across galactic distances and collide with our atmosphere, creating a shower of particles that tell a story of past astronomical events. Here ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 19, 2021

Frequency translating add/drop filters designed for on-chip light manipulation

Researchers report the development of frequency translating add/drop filters based on electro-optically modulated photonic molecules. The new class of filters could open important new avenues for on-chip light manipulation.

Optics & Photonics Oct 15, 2021

Intelligent optical chip to improve telecommunications

From the internet, to fiber or satellite communications and medical diagnostics, our everyday life relies on optical technologies. These technologies use optical pulsed sources to transfer, retrieve or compute information. ...

Quantum Physics Sep 28, 2021

Optical chip protects quantum technology from errors

In today's digital infrastructure, the data-bits we use to send and process information can either be 0 or 1. Being able to correct possible errors that may occur in computations using these bits is a vital part of information ...

Optics & Photonics Sep 28, 2021

Novel design may boost efficiency of on-chip frequency combs

On the cover of the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon, a prism splits a ray of light into all the colors of the rainbow. This multicolored medley, which owes its emergence to the fact that light travels as a wave, is ...

Bio & Medicine Aug 20, 2021

Chip-based digital PCR detection technology and instrument developed

A joint team from China recently provided a sensitive, multiplexing, quantitative detection method for the early diagnosis and targeted therapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms, a type of chronic hematological tumor that is ...

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