Search results for aerosolization

Earth Sciences Nov 22, 2018

Could an anti-global warming atmospheric spraying program really work?

A program to reduce Earth's heat capture by injecting aerosols into the atmosphere from high-altitude aircraft is possible, inexpensive, and would be unlikely to remain secret.

Environment Oct 13, 2016

Germs in wastewater often become airborne

Using household wastewater to irrigate food crops in drought-stricken or arid regions isn't the perfect solution. The chemicals and disease-causing germs it might contain could contaminate crops. Viruses that have their origin ...

Earth Sciences Aug 16, 2016

Sticky organic molecules hop aboard oily floaters and may influence the amount of sunlight reflected by marine clouds

Exiting the airport, travelers catch a taxi, Uber, or bus ride to their next stop. Seafaring sugar molecules floating near the ocean's surface take a similar tack. Instead of taxis, they hitch a ride on oily molecules floating ...

Earth Sciences May 8, 2015

Researchers measure trends of soot in a glacier, identify emission sources in a climate model

Soot from burning biomass and fossil fuels leaves a historical record frozen in snow and ice. Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and collaborators designed a unique tracer tagging technique in a climate ...

Earth Sciences Apr 14, 2014

Asian air pollution affect Pacific Ocean storms

In the first study of its kind, scientists have compared air pollution rates from 1850 to 2000 and found that anthropogenic (man-made) particles from Asia impact the Pacific storm track that can influence weather over much ...

Earth Sciences Jul 10, 2012

Researchers develop technique to help pollution forecasters see past clouds

Until now, scientists who study air pollution using satellite imagery have been limited by weather. Clouds, in particular, provide much less information than a sunny day.

Earth Sciences May 18, 2012

Pollution teams with thunderclouds to warm atmosphere

Pollution is warming the atmosphere through summer thunderstorm clouds, according to a computational study published May 10 in Geophysical Research Letters. How much the warming effect of these clouds offsets the cooling ...

Earth Sciences Nov 23, 2023

Carbon neutrality likely to increase extreme weather events by 2050, finds study

Climate modeling based upon Earth's current greenhouse gas emissions trajectory predicts a worst-case scenario of 4.3°C warming of the planet by 2100 if sufficient measures are not implemented. While the Paris Climate Agreement ...

Space Exploration Oct 16, 2023

Signatures of the Space Age: Spacecraft metals left in the wake of humanity's path to the stars

The Space Age is leaving fingerprints on one of the most remote parts of the planet—the stratosphere—which has potential implications for climate, the ozone layer and the continued habitability of Earth.

Earth Sciences Jun 28, 2023

Rainfall's impact on pollutants: Unraveling the Tibetan Plateau's enigmatic dance

A research team led by Prof. Zhao Chun from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) revealed the influence of rainfall on the inter-annual variation of pollutants ...

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