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Astronomy Dec 29, 2023

JWST sets a new record, sees newly forming stars in the Triangulum galaxy

Our Milky Way bristles with giant molecular clouds birthing stars. Based on what we see here, astronomers assume that the process of star creation also goes on similarly in other galaxies. It makes sense since their stars ...

Space Exploration Dec 29, 2023

Curiosity captures a martian day, from dawn to dusk

When NASA's Curiosity Mars rover isn't on the move, it works pretty well as a sundial, as seen in two black-and-white videos recorded on Nov. 8, the 4,002nd Martian day, or sol, of the mission. The rover captured its own ...

Paleontology & Fossils Dec 20, 2023

Five things you probably have wrong about the T rex

An icon from the age of dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex has featured in everything from blockbuster movies to the shape of chicken nuggets. As a creature to be feared for its bone-crushing bite or ridiculed for its inability ...

Astronomy Dec 20, 2023

Research charts stellar birthplaces in the Whirlpool galaxy for the first time

An international research team led by the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) and involving the University of Bonn has mapped the cold, dense gas of future star nurseries in one of our neighboring galaxies with an unprecedented ...

Environment Dec 13, 2023

How to assess the carbon footprint of a war

We know that war is bad for the environment, with toxic chemicals left polluting the soil and water for decades after fighting ceases. Much less obvious are the carbon emissions from armed conflicts and their long-term impacts ...

Social Sciences Dec 12, 2023

Researchers: Hamas' use of sexual violence is an all-too-common part of modern war, but not in all conflicts

The United Nations, women's groups and human rights groups are facing criticism for not quickly condemning Hamas fighters for raping and sexually violating Israelis during the Oct. 7, 2023, attack.

Earth Sciences Dec 6, 2023

Warfare ruins the environment—and not just on the front lines

On the morning of December 6, 1917, a French cargo ship called SS Mont-Blanc collided with a Norwegian vessel in the harbor of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada. The SS Mont-Blanc, which was laden with 3,000 tons of high explosives ...

Social Sciences Dec 5, 2023

Getting climate funds to conflict zones—a case for working with armed groups and local communities

Conflict-ridden and fragile countries are among the most vulnerable to climate change and least prepared to deal with it. They are largely excluded from climate adaptation programs and funding.

Social Sciences Nov 28, 2023

New report reveals servicewomen in British military being badly let down when reporting sexual violence

Servicewomen in the British military are being badly let down when reporting sexual violence, with some victims even punished for breaches of military rules when making a report, new research reveals.

Social Sciences Nov 28, 2023

'No one would ever speak up again': UK Servicewomen feel military culture stops them from reporting sexual assault

An inquiry into the death of a 19-year-old soldier in the British army found that relentless sexual harassment by her line manager was "almost certain" to have been a causal factor in her death.

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