Search results for soft robotics

Robotics Feb 21, 2018

Robotic crystals that walk n' roll

Scientists at Waseda University may have come a step closer to innovating soft robots to care for people. Its material, however, is something you may have never expected.

Robotics Jan 25, 2018

Nature-inspired soft millirobot makes its way through enclosed spaces

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems invented a magnetically controlled soft robot only four millimeters in size, that can walk, crawl or roll through uneven terrain, carry cargo, climb onto the ...

Engineering Nov 27, 2017

Artificial muscles give soft robots superpowers

Soft robotics has made leaps and bounds over the last decade as researchers around the world have experimented with different materials and designs to allow once rigid, jerky machines to bend and flex in ways that mimic and ...

Engineering Jul 26, 2017

Somersaulting simulation for jumping bots

In recent years engineers have been developing new technologies to enable robots and humans to move faster and jump higher. Soft, elastic materials store energy in these devices, which, if released carefully, enable elegant ...

Robotics Jul 25, 2017

Designing soft robots: Ethics-based guidelines for human-robot interactions

Soft-bodied robots offer the possibility for social engagement, and novel tactile human-robot interactions that require careful consideration of the potential for misplaced emotional attachments and personally and socially ...

Robotics Jun 14, 2017

Scientists use simple materials to create semi-soft robots

At the beginning of the decade, George Whitesides helped rewrite the rules of what a machine could be with the development of biologically inspired "soft robots." Now he's poised to rewrite them again, with help from some ...

Robotics Jun 5, 2017

Configuration and manipulation of soft robotics for on-orbit servicing

Traditional rigid-bodied robots are stiff, with few degrees of freedom, placing limits on many applications. Recently, more engineers are learning from the soft flexibility properties of living beings to advance bionic soft ...

Robotics May 16, 2017

3-D-printed, soft, four legged robot can walk on sand and stone

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed the first soft robot that is capable of walking on rough surfaces, such as sand and pebbles. The 3D-printed, four-legged robot can climb over obstacles and ...

Robotics Jan 18, 2017

Artificial fingertip that 'feels' wins international robotics competition

An open-source 3D-printed fingertip that can 'feel' in a similar way to the human sense of touch has won an international Soft Robotics competition for its contribution to soft robotics research.

Robotics Oct 14, 2015

Soft robot changes color as it grips and walks

Soft robots can bend, walk and grip. And, unlike their rigid counterparts, some can get flattened and bounce back into shape. Now scientists report a new advance in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces: a way to ...

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