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Planetary Sciences Jul 18, 2024

Exoplanet-hunting telescope to begin search for another Earth in 2026

Europe's next big space mission—a telescope that will hunt for Earth-like rocky planets outside of our solar system—is on course to launch at the end of 2026.

Space Exploration Jul 18, 2024

The next full moon is the buck or thunder moon

The next full moon will be Sunday morning, July 21, 2024, appearing opposite the sun (in Earth-based longitude) at 6:17 AM EDT. For the International Date Line West and the American Samoa and Midway time zones this will be ...

Astronomy Jul 17, 2024

Discovery alert: With six new exoplanets, 5,500 discovery milestone passed

On Aug. 24, 2023, more than three decades after the first confirmation of planets beyond our own solar system, scientists announced the discovery of six new exoplanets, stretching that number to 5,502. From zero exoplanet ...

Astronomy Jul 17, 2024

Double trouble: Gaia hit by micrometeoroid and solar storm

Launched in December 2013, ESA's Gaia spacecraft is on a mission to map the locations and motions of more than a billion stars in the Milky Way with extreme precision.

Astronomy Jul 17, 2024

Engineers build optical elements for the Coronagraph Instrument of the Roman Space Telescope

Engineers and scientists of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), led by Oliver Krause, developed crucial optical elements for the Coronagraph Instrument (CGI) of the Roman Space Telescope and delivered them to the ...

Bio & Medicine Jul 17, 2024

Engineered nanovesicles from activated neutrophils show promise in treating infected wounds

Infectious wounds represent a critical challenge in health care, especially for diabetic patients grappling with ineffective antibiotics and escalating drug resistance. Conventional therapies often inadequately address deep ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 17, 2024

Small steps for electrons—big steps for the future? Ultrafast microscope reveals electron pathways in solar cells

In the search for more efficient and sustainable energy generation methods, a class of materials called metal halide perovskites have shown great promise. In the few years since their discovery, novel solar cells based on ...

Planetary Sciences Jul 17, 2024

Astronomers spot a 'highly eccentric' planet on its way to becoming a hot Jupiter

Hot Jupiters are some of the most extreme planets in the galaxy. These scorching worlds are as massive as Jupiter, and they swing wildly close to their star, whirling around in a few days compared to our own gas giant's leisurely ...

Astronomy Jul 17, 2024

Exoplanet caught in 'hairpin turn' signals how high-mass gas giants form

Astronomers have discovered a planet that has the most oblong orbit ever found among transiting planets. The exoplanet's extreme circuit—which looks closer to a cucumber than a circle—follows one of the most drastically ...

Planetary Sciences Jul 16, 2024

Bennu asteroid samples unveiled

In a discreet vacuumed-packed container inside a FedEx box lies a piece of ancient history; extremely ancient history.

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