See also stories tagged with Space Shuttle Discovery

Search results for Shuttle Discovery

General Physics Sep 7, 2015

Fortifying computer chips for space travel

Space is cold, dark, and lonely. Deadly, too, if any one of a million things goes wrong on your spaceship. It's certainly no place for a computer chip to fail, which can happen due to the abundance of radiation bombarding ...

Biotechnology Aug 6, 2015

First public resource for secondary metabolites searches

The wealth of genomic and metagenomic datasets for microbes, particularly from previously unstudied environments, within the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) system is being applied in a new public database to the search ...

Space Exploration Aug 2, 2015

Challenger, Columbia wreckage on public display for 1st time

NASA is offering up wreckage from the Challenger and Columbia for public view after hiding it from the world for decades.

Space Exploration Jul 9, 2015

NASA picks four astronauts to fly first commercial spaceflights

NASA has selected four veteran astronauts to lead the way back into orbit from U.S. soil.

Space Exploration Jul 8, 2015

Book shows how space station research offers "benefits for humanity"

A new book from NASA is showing how research aboard the International Space Station helps improve lives on Earth while advancing NASA's ambitious human exploration goals.

Analytical Chemistry Jun 24, 2015

Eavesdropping on the body: New device tracks chemical signals within cells

Biomedical engineers at the University of Toronto have invented a new device that more quickly and accurately "listens in" on the chemical messages that tell our cells how to multiply. The tool improves our understanding ...

Biotechnology Jun 18, 2015

Researchers identify mechanism plant cells use to receive messages from neighbors

In the age of tablet computers and smart phones, it's easy to feel inundated and overloaded by information. But on a cellular level, this bombardment is business as usual, and a team of University of Washington researchers ...

Space Exploration May 25, 2015

Space station module relocation makes way for commercial crew spacecraft

The International Space Station Program will take the next step in expanding a robust commercial market in low-Earth orbit when work continues Wednesday, May 27, to prepare the orbiting laboratory for the future arrival of ...

Social Sciences May 20, 2015

John Glenn: Evolution should be taught in schools

John Glenn, who declared as a 77-year-old in a news conference from space that "to look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is to me impossible," says facts about scientific discovery should be taught ...

Materials Science May 18, 2015

Scientists discover how microbes acquire electricity in making methane

Stanford University scientists have solved a long-standing mystery about methanogens, unique microorganisms that transform electricity and carbon dioxide into methane.

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