See also stories tagged with Bluetooth

Search results for Bluetooth

Analytical Chemistry Apr 4, 2017

Bio-sensing contact lens could someday measure blood glucose, other bodily functions

Transparent biosensors embedded into contact lenses could soon allow doctors and patients to monitor blood glucose levels and a host of other telltale signs of disease without invasive tests. Scientists say the bio-sensing ...

Engineering Mar 22, 2017

'Lab-on-a-glove' could bring nerve-agent detection to a wearer's fingertips

There's a reason why farmers wear protective gear when applying organophosphate pesticides. The substances are very effective at getting rid of unwanted bugs, but they can also make people sick. Related compounds—organophosphate ...

Ecology Mar 22, 2017

Innovative sensor monitors fruit cargo

On the long journey from the fruit plantation to the retailer's shelf, fruits can quickly perish. In particular, the refrigeration inside the cargo containers is not always guaranteed and existing methods for measuring the ...

Space Exploration Mar 21, 2017

Origami-inspired robot can hitch a ride with a rover

The next rovers to explore another planet might bring along a scout.

Security Mar 15, 2017

'Smart' sex toy maker pays price for unprotected data

The maker of a "smart" vibrating sex toy is paying the price for delving too deeply into the private activities of users, without protection.

Security Mar 14, 2017

Strengthening cybersecurity through research

Mobile computing has become a fundamental feature in modern day life as people develop an unprecedented reliance on smart phones and tablets. However, along with their ubiquity comes a host of risks that can affect personal ...

Engineering Mar 9, 2017

Engineers devise two-way radio on a single chip

Two-way communication requires, of course, both send and receive capabilities. But putting them in the same device requires a filter between the send and receive circuits to provide signal isolation.

Security Mar 3, 2017

Smartphones have you pegged, and for better or worse they'll soon ID you

The things that make human beings unique - fingerprints, irises, facial features - have become the preferred way to sign onto banking accounts online or other sensitive websites, the newest solution to the problem of hackable ...

Computer Sciences Mar 2, 2017

New system estimates traffic from mobile device signals

A team of scientists from the universities of Granada and Jaén has designed a new computer method to monitor the movement of people or vehicles using the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals emitted by their mobile devices.

Engineering Mar 1, 2017

Singing posters and talking shirts: Engineers turn objects into FM stations

Imagine you're waiting in your car and a poster for a concert from a local band catches your eye. What if you could just tune your car to a radio station and actually listen to that band's music? Or perhaps you see the poster ...

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