Search results for qubits

Quantum Physics Nov 12, 2021

A new method to measure quantum entanglement in a nuclear spin ensemble

One of the primary objectives of quantum physics studies is to measure the quantum states of large systems composed of many interacting particles. This could be particularly useful for the development of quantum computers ...

Quantum Physics Aug 11, 2021

Locations of Riemann zeros accurately measured

The Riemann hypothesis raised in 1859 is one of the six unsolved Millennium problems, and its proof greatly facilitate the understanding of the distribution laws of prime numbers. For a long time, there has been a growing ...

Quantum Physics Jul 26, 2021

Combining two approaches to advance quantum computing

Quantum computers hold the potential to out-perform all conventional computing systems. Two promising physical implementations for the storage and manipulation of quantum information are the electromagnetic modes of superconducting ...

General Physics Jan 8, 2021

Researchers achieve on-demand storage in integrated solid-state quantum memory

Researchers from CAS Key Laboratory of Quantum Information of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have demonstrated on-demand storage of photonic qubits in an integrated ...

Quantum Physics Oct 7, 2019

Complex energies, quantum symmetries

In a certain sense, physics is the study of the universe's symmetries. Physicists strive to understand how systems and symmetries change under various transformations.

Quantum Physics Aug 22, 2018

D-Wave demonstrates first large-scale quantum simulation of topological state of matter

D-Wave Systems today published a milestone study demonstrating a topological phase transition using its 2048-qubit annealing quantum computer. This complex quantum simulation of materials is a major step toward reducing the ...

Quantum Physics Mar 1, 2018

New speed record for trapped-ion 'building blocks' of quantum computers

Researchers at Oxford University have set a new speed record for the 'logic gates' that form the building blocks of quantum computing - a technology that could transform the way we process information.

Quantum Physics Mar 21, 2016

Two defining features of quantum mechanics never appear together

(—Two of the most important ideas that distinguish the quantum world from the classical one are nonlocality and contextuality. Previously, physicists have theoretically shown that both of these phenomena cannot ...

Quantum Physics Dec 2, 2015

Quantum computer made of standard semiconductor materials

Physicists at the Technical University of Munich, the Los Alamos National Laboratory and Stanford University (USA) have tracked down semiconductor nanostructure mechanisms that can result in the loss of stored information ...

Quantum Physics Oct 10, 2013

Researchers devise a means to observe single quantum trajectory of superconducting quantum bit

( —A team of physicists at the University of California has devised a means for allowing the observation of the quantum trajectory of a superconducting quantum bit. In their paper published in the journal Nature, ...

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