Search results for 4-D printing

Internet Dec 9, 2013

Big tech companies lash out at government snooping (Update 4)

Silicon Valley is escalating pressure on President Barack Obama to curb the U.S. government surveillance programs that vacuum personal information off the Internet and threaten the technology industry's financial livelihood.

Space Exploration Nov 5, 2019

Liftoff: Antares rocket boosts resupply ship from Virginia to the space station

As seabirds swooped and Atlantic waves lapped under a crisp blue sky, an Antares rocket roared to life Saturday morning and blasted off from Virginia's Eastern Shore without a hitch.

Environment Nov 4, 2019

African countries can't industrialise? Yes, they can

Narratives are essential. Humans are, after all, "helpless story junkies". Business and economic success depend much more than is commonly acknowledged on getting the narrative right. And if there is a narrative where getting ...

Analytical Chemistry Dec 11, 2018

Researchers develop smartphone-based ovulation test

Investigators from Brigham and Women's Hospital are developing an automated, low-cost tool to predict a woman's ovulation and aid in family planning. Capitalizing on advancements in several areas, including microfluidics, ...

Computer Sciences Nov 21, 2018

Capturing the frugal beauty of complex natural tessellations

Surface tessellations are an arrangement of shapes which are tightly fitted, and form repeat patterns on a surface without overlapping. Imagine the pattern of a giraffe's fur, the shell of a tortoise and the honeycomb of ...

Materials Science Oct 25, 2017

Plastic and metal-organic frameworks partner for sensing and storage

A marriage between 3-D printer plastic and a versatile material for detecting and storing gases could lead to inexpensive sensors and fuel cell batteries alike, suggests new research from the National Institute of Standards ...

Hi Tech & Innovation Aug 23, 2016

Battery you can swallow could enable future ingestible medical devices

Non-toxic, edible batteries could one day power ingestible devices for diagnosing and treating disease. One team reports new progress toward that goal with their batteries made with melanin pigments, naturally found in the ...

Space Exploration Sep 22, 2014

NASA launches RapidScat wind watcher to Space Station

A new NASA mission that will boost global monitoring of ocean winds for improved weather forecasting and climate studies is among about 5,000 pounds (2,270 kilograms) of NASA science investigations and cargo now on their ...

Optics & Photonics Apr 24, 2014

Bake your own droplet lens

A droplet of clear liquid can bend light, acting as a lens. Now, by exploiting this well-known phenomenon, researchers have developed a new process to create inexpensive high quality lenses that will cost less than a penny ...

Space Exploration Jan 29, 2014

Student-built satellite sends data from space

A tiny satellite, dubbed KySat-2, built by students at the University of Kentucky and Morehead State University is currently orbiting about 300 miles above the Earth, circling the planet every 90 minutes. The satellite, launched ...

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