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Search results for nanotechnology

Bio & Medicine Mar 7, 2023

Battling drug resistant bacteria with bacteriophages

The overuse of antibiotics over extended periods of time has led to the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria in recent years. This poses a significant threat to public health, with more than 1.2 million deaths ...

Nanophysics Mar 6, 2023

Graphene quantum dots show promise as novel magnetic field sensors

Trapped electrons traveling in circular loops at extreme speeds inside graphene quantum dots are highly sensitive to external magnetic fields and could be used as novel magnetic field sensors with unique capabilities, according ...

Bio & Medicine Feb 27, 2023

Nanosatellite shows the way to RNA medicine of the future

The RNA molecule is commonly recognized as messenger between DNA and protein, but it can also be folded into intricate molecular machines. An example of a naturally occurring RNA machine is the ribosome, that functions as ...

Nanophysics Feb 21, 2023

Neuromorphic camera and machine learning aid nanoscopic imaging

In a new study, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) show how a brain-inspired image sensor can go beyond the diffraction limit of light to detect miniscule objects such as cellular components or nanoparticles ...

Nanophysics Feb 16, 2023

Nanoparticles perform ultralong distance communication, have 'no counterpart or analogue in nature'

Northwestern University chemists have designed a new photonic lattice with properties never before seen in nature. In solid materials, atoms must be equally spaced apart and close enough together to interact effectively. ...

Nanophysics Feb 9, 2023

Novel microscope developed to design better high-performance batteries

Lithium-ion batteries have transformed everyday lives—almost everyone has a smartphone, more electric vehicles can be spotted on the roads, and they keep power generators going during emergencies. As more portable electronic ...

Bio & Medicine Feb 3, 2023

Nano drug delivery breakthrough reveals new possibilities for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis

A recent breakthrough publication by scientists at the Masonic Medical Research Institute have discovered a novel way of treating pulmonary fibrosis, a progressive incurable disease that results in the stiffening of the lungs ...

Nanophysics Jan 30, 2023

Study: Superconductivity switches on and off in 'magic-angle' graphene

With some careful twisting and stacking, MIT physicists have revealed a new and exotic property in "magic-angle" graphene: superconductivity that can be turned on and off with an electric pulse, much like a light switch.

Quantum Physics Jan 26, 2023

Researchers find ways to improve the storage time of quantum information in a spin rich material

An international team of scientists have demonstrated a leap in preserving the quantum coherence of quantum dot spin qubits as part of the global push for practical quantum networks and quantum computers.

Bio & Medicine Jan 26, 2023

Special microscope shows different anti-icing strategies of plant leaves

When environmental temperatures go below zero, ice crystals are formed on many leaves of evergreen plants. Nevertheless, they usually survive frost phases unharmed. Using a special cryo-scanning electron microscope, researchers ...

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