Search results for rfid reader

Ecology Jan 30, 2017

Radio devices to save rare species from poachers

A joint project between conservationists and electronics experts at the University of Kent has developed miniature radio devices in tamper-proof casings to protect rare species from poachers.

Energy & Green Tech Jan 24, 2017

Efficient, organic photovoltaic cells for indoor and outdoor applications

Organic photovoltaics (OPV) may cost less than their silicon counterparts, but their performance remains off-putting to this day. A consortium of European research groups and industries recently demonstrated free-form organic ...

Security Dec 27, 2016

Hack-proofing RFID-equipped personal devices

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags have become almost ubiquitous – look carefully, and you'll notice them in passports, credit cards, library books, office access passes, and even pet cats.

Other Aug 31, 2016

The quest to end lost airline luggage

Victor DaRosa stands under a scorching afternoon sun, loading bags onto a jet heading to Detroit.

Energy & Green Tech Aug 25, 2016

Team introduces 'Braidio' technology, lets mobile devices share power

In a paper presented today at the Association for Computing Machinery's special interest group on data communication (SIGCOMM) conference in Florianópolis, Brazil, a team of computer science researchers at the University ...

Robotics Jun 2, 2016

Automated robot that scans library shelves using laser mapping and radio tags can ensure no book is misplaced again

Being able to access and download information in an instant is a hallmark of the digital age. But much of the world's knowledge remains between the pages of printed books. Tracking these volumes in libraries is a tedious, ...

Engineering May 11, 2016

Technique processes RFID signals rapidly for real-time interactivity

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags are designed primarily for inventory control, but researchers at Disney Research and Carnegie Mellon University have found a way to process the tag signals with sufficient speed ...

Engineering May 9, 2016

New techniques make RFID tags 25 percent smaller

Engineering researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a suite of techniques that allow them to create passive radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags that are 25 percent smaller – and therefore less ...

Engineering May 4, 2016

Like a fingerprint, system noise can be used to differentiate identical electronic devices

Radio frequency emission are considered incidental system noise in virtually all laptops, smartphones and other electronic devices, but scientists at Disney Research have found a way to use these spurious electromagnetic ...

Electronics & Semiconductors Feb 3, 2016

Hack-proof RFID chips could secure credit cards, key cards, and pallets of goods

Researchers at MIT and Texas Instruments have developed a new type of radio frequency identification (RFID) chip that is virtually impossible to hack.

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