Search results for journal of roman archaeology

Archaeology Jan 12, 2024

Researchers study unusual late-Roman metalware hoard discovered in the British Isles

Researchers report on one of the most unusual late-Roman metalware ever discovered in the British Isles. Although the Knaresborough Hoard was discovered about 1864, there has never been any detailed analysis of the items ...

Archaeology Jan 4, 2024

New technology interprets archaeological findings from Biblical times

A breakthrough achieved by researchers from four Israeli universities—Tel Aviv University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Bar-Ilan University and Ariel University—will enable archaeologists to identify burnt materials ...

Archaeology Dec 7, 2023

Ancient Balkan genomes trace the rise and fall of Roman Empire's frontier, reveal Slavic migrations

A multidisciplinary study has reconstructed the genomic history of the Balkan Peninsula during the first millennium of the common era, a time and place of profound demographic, cultural and linguistic change.

Archaeology Nov 22, 2023

Childhood in medieval Bavaria: What teeth reveal about nutrition and migration

New research findings reveal that some children in early medieval Bavaria were breastfed for much longer periods than today. Also, many early Bavarians buried around 500 AD originate from other geographical regions where ...

Plants & Animals Nov 2, 2023

Chimpanzees use hilltops to conduct reconnaissance on rival groups

Chimpanzees use high ground to conduct reconnaissance on rival groups, often before making forays into enemy territory at times when there is reduced risk of confrontation, a new study suggests.

Archaeology Oct 27, 2023

Spy satellites reveal hundreds of undiscovered Roman forts

Archaeologists have used declassified spy satellite imagery from the 1960s and 70s to reevaluate one of the first aerial archaeology surveys ever, revealing 396 previously undiscovered Roman forts in what is now Syria and ...

Archaeology Oct 16, 2023

New research shows Romans were early pioneers of recycling

New research from the University of Liverpool's Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, together with the Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Warwick, has used gold impurities in silver coins ...

Archaeology Sep 26, 2023

Study demonstrates the presence of camelids in Cordoba during the Roman and al-Andalus eras

A research team has found the remains of nine different camelids, making Córdoba one of the main sites featuring this animal on the Iberian Peninsula

Archaeology Sep 25, 2023

Researcher detect a Roman-period cranial tumor case

A multidisciplinary team at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) has published a paper in the journal Virtual Archaeology Review on a Roman-period meningioma (cranial tumor) found in a ...

Archaeology Aug 7, 2023

Roman road network spanning the south west UK identified in new research

A Roman road network that spanned Devon and Cornwall and connected significant settlements with military forts across the two counties as well as wider Britannia has been discovered for the first time.

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