Search results for seawater desalination

Energy & Green Tech May 21, 2018

The challenges and potential rewards of transitioning to concentrated solar power to desalinate seawater

Freshwater shortages are projected to increase in our hotter and more crowded future. Already, 150 countries desalinate seawater, using fossil fuels.

Environment Mar 2, 2016

Groundwater from coastal aquifers is a better source for desalination than seawater

Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have determined that saline groundwater from coastal aquifers is a better alternative water source than seawater for reverse osmosis (RO) desalination due to reduced ...

Energy & Green Tech Jul 12, 2011

Desalinating seawater with minimal energy use

At a pilot facility in Singapore, Siemens has cut the energy needed to desalinate seawater by more than 50 percent. The plant processes 50 cubic meters of water per day, consuming only 1.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity per ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 5, 2017

Fresh look at desalination plants uncovers bacterial blocks

A new study by a Murdoch researcher may help keep desalination plants flowing.

Analytical Chemistry Feb 22, 2021

A salt solution for desalinating brine

Solar-powered brine crystallization could alleviate the environmental impacts of seawater desalination.

Materials Science Sep 23, 2022

Simple process extracts valuable magnesium salt from seawater

Since ancient times, humans have extracted salts, like table salt, from the ocean. While table salt is the easiest to obtain, seawater is a rich source of different minerals, and researchers are exploring which ones they ...

Environment Aug 27, 2021

A 1,000-year drought is hitting the West: Could desalination be a solution?

The United States and many other parts of the world are reeling under the impacts of severe drought. One possible solution is the desalination of seawater, but is it a silver bullet?

Other Nov 20, 2007

Nuclear desalination

New solutions to the ancient problem of maintaining a fresh water supply is discussed in a special issue of the Inderscience publication International Journal of Nuclear Desalination. With predictions that more than 3.5 billion ...

Environment Apr 25, 2022

Drought boon or boondoggle? Critics blast Poseidon desalination plan as crucial vote looms

Among the many complex arguments over water in California, one particularly heated debate centers on whether the state should seek more drinking water from a plentiful but expensive source: the Pacific Ocean.

Materials Science Oct 21, 2021

Manure makes drinking water? An unlikely solution to a global crisis

Inspiration struck Yi Zheng on a summer visit to a local dairy farm. There were cows and horses and, Zheng noticed, that meant that there was manure everywhere.

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