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Search results for physical therapy

General Physics Jun 21, 2024

Key mechanism in nuclear reaction dynamics promises advances in nuclear physics

Researchers have made significant progress in understanding the transfer of neutrons in weakly bound nuclei. The experiment, performed at Legnaro National Laboratory, focused on the one-neutron stripping process in reactions ...

Social Sciences Jun 28, 2024

It's not naïve: Treating youth violence as a disease gets results

Within a few months of returning to in-person classes when the COVID-19 pandemic eased in mid-2021, San Francisco public schools found themselves in serious trouble. Brawling group fights seemed to come one after another. ...

Veterinary medicine Aug 1, 2024

Handling with care: PTSD in horses

Equine companionship is built upon a foundation of trust and care. Yet, maintaining a horse's trust can be challenging, especially when a past event has left the animal with behaviors mirroring what's diagnosed as post-traumatic ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 27, 2024

Gold nanoparticles kill cancer—but not as thought

Gold particles of the size of billionths of a meter are lethal to cancer cells. This fact has been known for a long time, as has a simple correlation: The smaller the nanoparticles used to fight the cancer cells, the faster ...

Biotechnology Jul 31, 2024

High-performance computing and quantum chemistry advances drug discovery

Led by University of Melbourne theoretician and HPC expert Associate Professor Giuseppe Barca, a research team has achieved the first quantum simulation of biological systems at a scale necessary to accurately model drug ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 27, 2024

Researchers find intriguing new tool for tendon healing: Nanoparticles for precision drug delivery

Harnessing nanoparticles to deliver drugs precisely to a surgically repaired tendon is a promising new approach that reduced scar tissue formation and improved mechanical function. Researchers' success in pinpointing a drug ...

Biotechnology Jun 27, 2024

Research team develops surfaces designed to discourage spread of resistant bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections are becoming a major societal challenge. To solve this problem, researchers are working on new drugs that kill bacteria without promoting resistance, and on new materials that prevent ...

Other Jun 22, 2024

Saturday Citations: Bulking tips for black holes; microbes influence drinking; new dinosaur just dropped

What did scientists do this week? Exactly four things, all of which are summarized below.

Cell & Microbiology Jun 17, 2024

How a deadly strain of salmonella fine-tunes its infection tactics

Disease-causing microbes have evolved sophisticated strategies for invading the body, flourishing in often hostile environments and evading immune defenses. In a new study, Professor Cheryl Nickerson, her Arizona State University ...

Education Jun 11, 2024

How simulation-based learning prepares dietetics students for clinical success

The University of Kentucky Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition (DHN) has made significant strides in preparing its dietetics students for real-world clinical settings through an innovative program incorporating Simulation-Based ...

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