Search results for Huygens

Space Exploration Jan 30, 2024

Mars helicopter Ingenuity has ended its mission, paving the way for more flying vehicles on other planets, moons

It is difficult to emphasize the significance of the milestone surpassed by Nasa's Mars helicopter, Ingenuity.

Planetary Sciences Jan 5, 2024

Titan's 'magic islands' are likely to be honeycombed hydrocarbon icebergs, finds study

Titan's "magic islands" are likely floating chunks of porous, frozen organic solids, a new study finds, pivoting from previous work suggesting they were gas bubbles. The study was published in Geophysical Research Letters.

Astronomy Dec 21, 2023

NASA's Hubble watches 'spoke season' on Saturn

Though Saturn's unusual-looking "cup handle" features were first noted by Galileo in 1610, it would be another 45 years before they were described by Christiaan Huygens as a disk surrounding Saturn. Subsequently, ground-based ...

Space Exploration Nov 28, 2023

Aerocapture is a 'free lunch' in space exploration

When spacecraft return to Earth, they don't need to shed all their velocity by firing retro-rockets. Instead, they use the atmosphere as a brake to slow down for a soft landing. Every planet in the solar system except Mercury ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 4, 2023

Creating a 3D model of methane lake impact on local weather on Titan

A team of Earth and planetary scientists from the Southwest Research Institute, Yale University, Université Paris-Saclay, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and Sorbonne Université has created a 3D ...

Optics & Photonics Aug 21, 2023

Physicists use a 350-year-old theorem to reveal new properties of light waves

Since the 17th century, when Isaac Newton and Christiaan Huygens first debated the nature of light, scientists have been puzzling over whether light is best viewed as a wave or a particle—or perhaps, at the quantum level, ...

Condensed Matter Jun 19, 2023

New research on self-locking light sources presents opportunities for quantum technologies

In a paper published today in Nature Communications, researchers from the Paul Drude Institute in Berlin, Germany, and the Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, demonstrated that light emitters with different resonance ...

Astronomy May 16, 2023

Saturn: We may finally know when the magnificent rings were formed

Saturn's rings are one of the jewels of the solar system, but it seems that their time is short and their existence fleeting.

Planetary Sciences May 11, 2023

Exploring the soundscapes of other planets

You may know how other planets look, like the rust orange, dusty surface of Mars or the vibrant teal of Uranus. But what do those planets sound like?

Optics & Photonics Mar 20, 2023

Direct field-to-pattern monolithic design of holographic metasurface

Metasurfaces, as two-dimensional metamaterials, display fascinating ability in electromagnetic (EM) modulation within a sub-wavelength scale, opening up a new way for manipulating the properties of EM wave in a plane. Owing ...

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