Search results for vein valve

Jan 12, 2009

Microscopic morphology adds to the scorpion family tree

Modern microscopy technology has allowed two scorpion biologists, Carsten Kamenz of the Humboldt University in Berlin and Lorenzo Prendini of the American Museum of Natural History, to study and document what is nearly invisible. ...

Jan 17, 2006

Researchers develop portable 'Vein Finder' for faster, more accurate injections

A team of Georgia Institute of Technology researchers is developing an inexpensive, handheld device that could help medical personnel provide faster and more accurate injections. The devices uses Doppler ultrasound to locate ...

Jun 28, 2005

Circulatory system on a chip lets scientists mimic heartbeat

A tiny chip that mimics a circulatory system—right down to the rhythm of a human heart beat—could be an invaluable tool in understanding the causes of cardiovascular disease and developing drug therapies. The system of ...

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