Search results for roof coating

Earth Sciences Feb 22, 2023

A new vegetation mapping of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on terrain-climate-remote sensing

This study was led by Prof. Guangsheng Zhou (State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences) and Prof. Hongrui Ren (Department of Geomatics, Taiyuan University of Technology).

Evolution Feb 1, 2023

319-million-year-old fish preserves the earliest fossilized brain of a backboned animal

The CT-scanned skull of a 319-million-year-old fossilized fish, pulled from a coal mine in England more than a century ago, has revealed the oldest example of a well-preserved vertebrate brain.

Polymers Nov 30, 2022

Coating could protect multiple surfaces, including monuments, from various levels of erosion

Researchers in the Center for Photochemical Sciences at Bowling Green State University have developed a coating system that shows promise in preserving historical monuments—and possibly much more.

Space Exploration Nov 21, 2022

NASA's going back to the moon and must confront a familiar enemy: Dust

The moon is incredibly hot, and also incredibly cold.

Environment Sep 22, 2022

How to prepare for the next extreme heat wave now

Summer is over, but memories of the season's historic heat waves are burned into our consciousness.

Ecology Jun 18, 2022

In a parched land, Iraqi gazelles dying of hunger

Gazelles at an Iraqi wildlife reserve are dropping dead from hunger, making them the latest victims in a country where climate change is compounding hardships after years of war.

Materials Science Feb 24, 2022

How squid camouflage could help prevent skin cancer in humans

It wasn't the result the scientists wanted.

Optics & Photonics Feb 14, 2022

Disorder-engineered inorganic nanocrystals set a new efficiency record for ultrathin solar cells

Displayed over roof tops and in solar farms, silicon-based solar cells are, so far, one of the most efficient systems in generating electricity from sunlight, but their fabrication can be expensive and energy demanding, aside ...

Materials Science Oct 1, 2021

Thermal storage for energy transition

In Germany, 55 percent of final energy consumption goes towards heating and cooling. However, a lot of heat dissipates unused because it is not generated as and when required. Thermal storage using zeolite material allows ...

Environment Aug 27, 2021

A 1,000-year drought is hitting the West: Could desalination be a solution?

The United States and many other parts of the world are reeling under the impacts of severe drought. One possible solution is the desalination of seawater, but is it a silver bullet?

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