Search results for magnetic patches

Plants & Animals Aug 31, 2023

Researcher reveals the secret life of bumble bees

Bees that build microbreweries, ride a miniature merry-go-round and possibly even wear diapers: In biologist Tobin Hammer's UCI lab, all sorts of unusual projects unfold.

Space Exploration Aug 18, 2023

Scientists review the trajectory design and optimization for Jovian system exploration

The Jovian system has long attracted the interest of human exploration. However, Jupiter and its four Galilean moons form a unique and complex multi-body dynamical environment that greatly challenges trajectory design and ...

Plants & Animals Aug 7, 2023

Flock together: Sparrows drift from favored spots after losing friends

Losing long-lasting flockmates may drive a golden-crowned sparrow to stray from its favorite overwintering spot, a new study says, suggesting that friendly, familiar faces help anchor it to familiar spaces.

General Physics Jul 17, 2023

A solid-state quantum microscope that controls the wave functions of atomic quantum dots in silicon

Over the past decades, physicists and engineers have been trying to develop various technologies that leverage quantum mechanical effects, including quantum microscopes. These are microscopy tools that can be used to study ...

Space Exploration Jul 13, 2023

Plasma spectrometer delivered for moon mission

Southwest Research Institute has delivered a plasma spectrometer for integration into a lunar lander as part of NASA's Lunar Vertex investigation, scheduled to commence next year. The target site is the Reiner Gamma region ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 27, 2023

Patch uses nanomagnets to detect muscle movement through the skin

Using nanomagnets composites and conductive yarn, scientists have invented a smart textile that can sense and measure body movements—from muscles flexing to veins pulsing. The device, presented on June 27 in the journal ...

Space Exploration Jun 1, 2023

Space tractor beams may not be the stuff of sci-fi for long

On Feb. 10, 2009, disaster struck hundreds of miles above the Siberian Peninsula. That evening, a defunct Russian satellite orbiting Earth crashed into a communications satellite called Iridium 33 moving at a speed of thousands ...

Plants & Animals May 22, 2023

Identifying the best bumble bee diets

A new study has identified the bee's knees of bumble bee dietary options in Ohio and the Upper Midwest.

Earth Sciences Apr 5, 2023

Beneath the Earth, ancient ocean floor likely surrounds the core

Through global-scale seismic imaging of Earth's interior, research led by The University of Alabama revealed a layer between the core and the mantle that is likely a dense, yet thin, sunk ocean floor, according to results ...

Astronomy Mar 30, 2023

Shedding light on the sun

As questions abound about the Earth's closest star, scientists are seeking answers critical to forecasting solar flares that threaten satellites and other electronics.

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