Search results for hardcover books

Ecology Jun 9, 2014

Reptile Atlas a first for southern Africa

It took seven editors and 26 authors nine years to compile the first ever Reptile Atlas for all reptiles found in the southern tip of Africa. This huge collaborative effort resulted in the 485-page Atlas and Red List of the ...

Internet May 17, 2013

Poetry finally joining e-book revolution

(AP)—Over the past two years, publishers have been steadily filling one of the largest gaps in the e-book catalogue—poetry.

Other Mar 27, 2013

Publisher speeds up e-book access for libraries

The publisher of Khaled Hosseini, Harlan Coben and other popular authors has decided that it's comfortable with letting libraries offer e-book editions of brand new releases.

Other Jan 8, 2013

New book connects the human community to its cosmic roots

The 1969 "Woodstock" song by Joni Mitchell, it turns out, was onto something: "We are stardust / billion-year-old carbon."

Other Oct 15, 2012

Dear Digital Diary: 'Wimpy Kid' e-books coming

(AP)—The "Wimpy Kid" is returning to his digital roots.

Business Jul 19, 2012

Ebook sales skyrocketed in 2011: industry

Sales of ebooks more than doubled in 2011 to bring in some $2.07 billion for the US publishing industry, a survey showed Wednesday.

Consumer & Gadgets Apr 30, 2012

B&N, Microsoft team up on Nook, college businesses

(AP) -- Barnes & Noble Inc. and Microsoft Corp. are teaming up to create a new Barnes & Noble subsidiary that will house the digital and college businesses of the bookseller and include a Nook application for Windows 8.

Business Apr 11, 2012

US sues Apple, publishers over e-book prices

(AP) -- The government says avid best-seller readers who use electronic books have been getting ripped off. Tina Fey's "Bossy Pants," Tim Tebow's "Through My Eyes" and Keith Richards' `"Life" - maybe they should have cost ...

Internet Mar 15, 2012

Last entry for Encyclopaedia Britannica book form

Hours after Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. announced it will stop publishing print editions of its flagship encyclopedia for the first time in more than 200 years, someone among the editing minions of free online rival Wikipedia ...

Space Exploration Dec 12, 2011

Book explores discoveries in cosmology and how our universe could have come from nothing

The earliest philosophers argued that out of nothing, nothing comes (ex nihilo, nihil fit). This ignited intense philosophical and theological debates and invoked challenging questions over the coming centuries. How could ...

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