Search results for dance classes

Social Sciences Feb 16, 2024

A Bronx school district offers lessons in boosting student mental health

If you are an educator or a parent, you have likely already seen many ways in which "the kids are not alright."

Social Sciences Jan 31, 2024

Is a Pennsylvania groundhog's prediction accurate in your neck of the woods?

Persuaded by pomp and pageantry, people across the nation are more likely to put faith in a Pennsylvania groundhog's weather predictions than those made by local woodchucks, according to a national survey query made on behalf ...

Social Sciences Jan 8, 2024

The US invented shopping malls, but China is writing their next chapter

On a recent research trip to China, I wandered through the Oasis Mall in suburban Shanghai. Like many Chinese shopping centers, this complex was filled with empty stores that reflected the end of China's 30-year-long economic ...

Economics & Business Dec 12, 2023

Digital platforms like TikTok could help China extend its censorship regime across borders

China's drive to expand its influence through soft power mechanisms like censorship is coming into sharper focus, especially under Xi Jinping's leadership. Recently, the social media app TikTok has become a prominent symbol ...

Social Sciences Dec 11, 2023

Literacy professor researches the 'meme-ing' of life and education

Sometimes going online can feel like an entirely new world. Whether it's a reference you don't understand, a running joke or a parody image, it's not uncommon to feel lost no matter your age. Still, there's hope for managing ...

Social Sciences Oct 24, 2023

Audience expectations: Study shows patrons expect to see white ballerinas

From Clara in "The Nutcracker" to the nymphs in "Afternoon of a Faun," a new study from UConn researchers is among the first to empirically document what many dance enthusiasts have known for some time: Audience members expect ...

Astronomy Oct 9, 2023

New observations of flares from distant star could help in search for habitable planets

Astrophysicists have used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to take a close look at a volatile star.

Social Sciences Sep 19, 2023

Shops and restaurants can help blur class lines, but interactions may not be meaningful enough to boost social mobility

"Titanic," James Cameron's 1997 multi-Oscar-winning movie, focused on the tragic love story of itinerant artist Jack and upper-class socialite Rose. Among their other on-board adventures, they dined in the first-class section ...

General Physics Sep 18, 2023

SLAC fires up the world's most powerful X-ray laser: LCLS-II ushers in a new era of science

The newly upgraded Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory successfully produced its first X-rays, and researchers around the ...

Other Aug 14, 2023

The bubbly chemistry behind carbonated beverages

Many people love the refreshing effervescence of a soda, champagne, beer or sparkling water. When you take a sip, the gas bubbles in the beverage burst, and the released gas tickles your nose. But have you ever wondered how ...

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