Search results for chordates

Evolution Jun 23, 2022

Amphioxus sequencing gives insight on vertebrate evolution

Vertebrate evolution was accompanied by two rounds of whole genome duplication followed by functional divergence in terms of regulatory circuits and gene expression patterns. As a basal and slow-evolving chordate species, ...

Plants & Animals Apr 22, 2022

Freshwater habitats are fragile pockets of exceptional biodiversity, study finds

While much research has focused on the striking differences in biodiversity between tropical and temperate regions, another, equally dramatic, pattern has gone largely unstudied: the differences in species richness among ...

Evolution Mar 11, 2022

Mirror image biomolecule helps marine sea squirts lose their tails

Amino acids are the basic building blocks of living organisms and typically occur in a configuration known as the L-form. However, there are a few exceptional examples of the structural mirror image of the L-form (known as ...

Evolution Feb 15, 2022

Looking to the acorn worm for clues as to why vertebrates cannot regenerate their bodies

A group of Japanese and American researchers found that the Ptychodera flava, a worm-like marine organism capable of regenerating its entire head or body, draws on reprogramming-based mechanisms that help somatic cells in ...

Evolution Nov 17, 2021

Deciphering the impact of gene loss on biological evolution

A paper in Nature proposes a new evolutionary scenario that helps to better understand the evolution of our phylum and to discover what the ancestor of tunicates—the sister group of vertebrates—were like. Specifically, ...

Evolution May 28, 2021

The hypothalamus predates the origin of vertebrates

The hypothalamus is involved during the coordination of neuroendocrine functions in vertebrates and their evolutionary origin can be described using integrated transcriptome or connectome brain maps of swimming tadpoles of ...

Earth Sciences May 19, 2021

Researchers uncover new role for strange organisms in ocean food web

Florida State University researchers have more insight into a strange sea creature found in oceans around the world and what their presence means for the health of a marine ecosystem.

Plants & Animals May 3, 2021

An animal able to regenerate all of its organs even when it is dissected into three parts

An extraordinary discovery in the Gulf of Eilat: Researchers from Tel Aviv University have discovered a species of ascidian, a marine animal commonly found in the Gulf of Eilat, capable of regenerating all of its organs—even ...

Plants & Animals Oct 20, 2020

Newly discovered gene may give 'sea pickles' their glow

A new study describes a bioluminescent gene that could be the reason that so-called 'sea pickles,' or pyrosomes, an underwater free-floating colony of thousands of tiny animals, reverberate in blue-green light. If confirmed, ...

Archaeology Aug 27, 2020

Early Cambrian fossil discovery gives new understanding into the origin of hemichordates

New research undertaken by scientists at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) and University of Montreal, has uncovered fossils of a new species of marine animal, Gyaltsenglossus ...

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