Search results for beat induction

Cell & Microbiology Dec 13, 2013

Mechanical forces in development

( —Early embryonic development is a marvel of mechanics. Its signature step is the production of three tissue layers—mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm—through a topological maneuver known as gastrulation. While ...

Computer Sciences Nov 28, 2013

To create a super-intelligent machine, start with an equation

Intelligence is a very difficult concept and, until recently, no one has succeeded in giving it a satisfactory formal definition.

Plants & Animals Dec 13, 2012

Rhesus monkeys cannot hear beat in music

(—Beat induction, the ability to pick up regularity – the beat – from a varying rhythm, is not an ability that rhesus monkeys possess. These are the findings of researchers from the University of Amsterdam ...

General Physics Oct 9, 2012

Superconducting magnet researchers develop new HTS technology

(—World records have been broken this year not only in sports by Olympic athletes in London, but also in high temperature superconducting magnet technology by the Superconducting Magnet Division (SMD) staff at ...

Plants & Animals Mar 21, 2012

Black bears found to have surprising wound healing capabilities during hibernation

( -- For most mammals, small cuts and scrapes to the skin during times of low body temperature or slowed metabolism usually means a reduced ability to heal and a higher incidence of infection. This is why a discovery ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 18, 2009

A major step in making better stem cells from adult tissue

A team led by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute has developed a method that dramatically improves the efficiency of creating stem cells from human adult tissue, without the use of embryonic cells. The research ...

Consumer & Gadgets Jun 4, 2009

Review: Dazzling Palm software beats the iPhone

(AP) -- Move over, iPhone. You've had two years on top of the smart phone world. Now there's a touch-screen phone with better software: the Palm Pre.

Feb 16, 2008

From stem cells to organs: The bioengineering challenge

For more than a decade, Peter Zandstra has been working at the University of Toronto to rev up the production of stem cells and their descendants. The raw materials are adult blood stem cells and embryonic stem cells. The ...

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